Medical care
If you have valid medical insurance which covers your stay in the Czech Republic, urgent medical treatment is available free of charge from the Czech Health Insurance fund, in conjunction with your health insurance policy at home.
It is important to contact a medical institution, such as a doctor, dentist or a hospital, that has a contract with the Czech public health insurance system. Most of them do, but some institutions are purely private and there you would have to pay any costs that should arise. Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) has to be submitted to the attending physician before they treat you.
It helps to register your EHIC card with one of the Czech insurance providers before seeking care – to register with the largest provider, VZP, you should visit one of their offices in Prague with your EHIC card and national ID:
Even though there are many hospitals and clinics in Prague, you may encounter some issues when dealing with medical emergency – especially the language barrier. This is why we recommend that you contact your buddy to accompany you to the hospital if possible.
Na Homolce Hospital (probably the best one):
Nemocnice Na Homolce, Roentgenova 2, Prague 5
+420 257 271 111
Prague City Clinic (emergency care in the city centre):
Open 7 p. m. – 6 a. m. on week days and non-stop during the weekend
Městská poliklinika Praha, Spálená 12, Prague 1
+420 222 924 211
Motol University Hospital
Department for Foreigners, V Úvalu 84, 150 06 Praha 5
+420 224 433 682, +420 224 433 681, +420 224 433 674,
General information about the COVID-19 situation in the country can be found here: – of particular interest for you may be the current measures in place, here: .
Information specific to the Faculty of Arts can be found here:
If you believe you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, you should call the Prague Hygiene Station (1221, or your health insurance provider about getting a test (and subsequent medical care, if necessary).
The Erasmus institutional office may be able to organize a Covid test for you – to see if this is possible, contact
If you are placed under quarantine, you can order groceries to be delivered to you from the following, or
If you test positive for COVID-19, it is necessary to inform the faculty by sending an e-mail to with your first and last name and student ID number, and the results of your test. If you are staying in the university dorms, you must also inform them.
Psychological counselling
Charles University offers free psychological counselling in English for students and employees. More information and a link to register can be found here:
There is also a private psychological clinic (with fees), Adicare, which offers a wide spectrum of counselling services to foreigners including individual consultations and group therapy in English:
Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators
Mgr. Lenka Kristenová
+420 221 619 841
Mgr. Barbora Dogan
+420 221 619 427
Office Hours
Room 128, main building
Tuesday 9:00–12:00
Wednesday 14:00–17:00
Thursday 14:00–16:00