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Blue Europe 2024-2025 “Denis de Rougemont” Writing Contest

This contest is open to all EU/EEA Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students, as well as recent graduates who obtained their degree in 2024.

Authors of papers that are successfully accepted into the competition will receive a certificate of participation, which will include the evaluation of their work. As mentioned above, selected papers will also be published on the Blue Europe website and will be eligible for a cash prize.

  • A prize of 1000€ for the article with the highest score from the jury
  • A prize of 500€ for the article with the second highest score from the judges

Deadlines: 31 January 2025 for abstract submission and 31 May 2025 for article submission.


Zahraniční oddělení
náměstí J. Palacha 2, Praha 1
Místnosti 103 a 128

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