The University in Prague in the First 500 Years of its Existence (1348-1848) – Ideas, Structures, Personalities

Lecture presented by PhDr. Marek Ďurčanský, Ph.D., Head of the Institute of the History of Charles University. It is a part of a new academic initiative for the ECES program – an annual lecture series. This year’s theme is “University and Republic”, focusing on this year’s centennial celebrations.

Lecture 1: The USA and the Origins of Czechoslovakia, Tuesday, October 16 at 7 pm, MB 104
Lecture 2: The University in Prague in the First 500 Years of its Existence (1348-1848) – Ideas, Structures, Personalities, Wednesday, November 7 at 7:30 pm, MB 104
Lecture 3: Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Charles University, Wednesday, November 28 at 7:30 pm, MB 104

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
7. 11. 2018 19:30 - 21:00
Místo konání
room 104
Webové stránky
ECES - Zahraniční oddělení
Typ události
Konference a přednášky