Prof. Thomas Hylland Eriksen: To see the world in a grain of sand. The problem of scaling in ethnography

Ústav etnologie FF UK zve na přednášku prof. Thomase Hyllanda Eriksena s názvem „To see the world in a grain of sand. The problem of scaling in ethnography“

While the ethnographic method produces empirical material of outstanding quality, it tends to thrive on small surfaces, and its shortcomings have become evident in an increasingly large-scale, intertwined, globalised world. How can anthropologists connect their high-octane, small-scale data with the grainer, but more encompassing data of quantitative social sciences? Prof. Eriksen will draw on his own research in Australia, published in the recent monograph Boomtown (Pluto Press 2018), while discussing this problem.

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Začátek události
28. 11. 2018 12:30
Místo konání
Celetná 20, Praha 1 (C138)
Webové stránky
Ústav etnologie FF UK
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