Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Linguistics

Application date: 3. July 2018

Ref. nr.: 2018/1669

One Post-doctoral Research Fellowship within Linguistics (Cognitive Linguistics: Empirical Approaches to Russian) is available in the Department of Language and Culture at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). The position is affiliated with the CLEAR research group, Cognitive Linguistics: Empirical Approaches to Russian.

The appointment is a fixed term position for a period of three years.

Apply for this post here:

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Laura A. Janda, e-mail:

The position’s field of research/research project and other duties

This position is connected to the In and Out of Context project at UiT. This position will use corpus data, experiments, and machine learning to ferret out and model the way that native speakers use context to select aspect. This will begin with deep analysis of a series of contexts that have been established in an experiment carried out in the CLEAR group that has normed the reactions of native speakers to the choice of aspect in authentic contexts. The ultimate goal is to derive new knowledge that can be implemented in research-based teaching materials, such as the Russian Constructicon and the Strategic Mastery of Russian Word Forms Tool (SMARTool). This position will focus primarily on verbs and their aspect in Russian grammatical constructions and how these can be represented in the Russian Constructicon and the SMARTool.

Applicants for the advertised Post-doctoral position should propose a research project that will contribute to the In and Out of Context project, as well as the development of the Constructicon and SMARTool. The project proposal should be 5-10 pages.


Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
24. 5. 2018 0:00
Konec události
3. 7. 2018 0:00
Typ události
Stipendia, oborové nabídky a soutěže