You are welcome to attend prof. Olena Haleta’s two open lectures:
„Українське культурне будівництво ХХ ст.: література й бібліотека як „революційні проекти“ Юрія Меженка“ (UKR)
8. 11.2018
„Eccentric Literary Criticism: From Literary Theory to Literary Anthropology“ (ENG)
The first lecture will consider the Ukrainian bibliographer and literary critic Yurii Mezhenko as a prominent scholar and librarian in the context of “nation building” of the beginning of XX century.
The second lecture will present the contemporary approaches to the studies of literary works.
Olena Haleta is a Ukrainian literary critic, culturologist, and translator. She is also a professor of two universities — The Ukrainian Catholic University and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Her research interests include literary theory of the XX and XXI centuries, literary anthropology, cultural memory and identity, modern literature, contemporary Ukrainian literature in the world context.
Olena Haleta is an author of the monograph “From Anthology to Ontology: Anthology as a Way of Representing Ukrainian Literature at the End of the XIX – the Beginning of XXI Centuries” (ukr. «Від антології до онтології: антологія як спосіб репрезентації української літератури кінця ХІХ – початку ХХІ століття». Київ: Смолоскип, 2015).
Podrobnosti události
- Začátek události
- 7. 11. 2018 19:00
- Konec události
- 8. 11. 2018 20:00
- Místo konání
- nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 (FF UK, místnost 313)
- Webové stránky
- www.facebook.com/events/310868082842687/?event_time_id=310868099509352
- Organizátor
- časopic NaVýchod, Východoevropský klub, ÚVES FF UK
- Typ události
- Konference a přednášky
- Přílohy
- Program