The NISE Annual Gathering in 2016 takes place at the Charles University in Prague from 5 to 8 September 2016.
Hosts this year are the Institute of Czech History (from Monday 5 to Wednesday 7) and the Institute of Political Studies (on Thursday 8). The gathering is co-organised by the University of Antwerp (UA) as part of the ICA project.
Besides the annual meetings of the NISE constituting bodies, the gathering hosts two workshops, a comprehensive session on the state of play of the NISE database DIANE with the launch of its own website, and a set of presentations by NISE members of new projects, research and archival instruments, publications etc.
The workshop on Protagonists of National Movements is co-organised by the Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique-CRBC.
The workshop on National Indifference forms part of Maarten Van Ginderachter’s Nationalism from the Margins project (with NISE as one of the co-ordinators). See https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/conferences/from-the-margins/programme/2–national-indiffer/ for more information. Mark this is a closed workshop!
Contact person: Radka Sustrova (sustrova@mua.cas.cz)
Non-NISE members are welcome, after prior registration, to attend all public sessions: the DIANE session, the members’ meeting (with the presentations) and the Protagonists workshop.
Please, register via form here.
Protagonists of national movements: A preliminary workshop program
NISE: National movements & Intermediary Structures in Europe
Podrobnosti události
- Začátek události
- 5. 9. 2016 9:00
- Konec události
- 8. 9. 2016 19:00
- Místo konání
- Clam-Gallas Palace, Husova 158/20, Prague 1; Charles University, U Kříže 8, Prague 5
- Webové stránky
- nise.eu/news/annual-gathering-2016/#more-5497
- Organizátor
- Institute of Czech History and Institute of Political Studies of the Charles University Prague, co-organised by the University of Antwerp and the Prague City Archives
- Typ události
- Konference a přednášky
- Přílohy
- Program