Machiavelli and Contemporary Politics

Machiavelli and Contemporary Politics

4th Biennial Ideas in Politics Conference


Prague – November 15–16, 2019


Machiavelli’s thought not only had a huge influence on the development of modern political philosophy, but his ideas continue to inspire – and divide – political theorists even today. The recent history of Machiavellian scholarship could be described in this way:  Interpretation of Machiavelli as a teacher of evil (e.g. Strauss 1958) has been repudiated by the Cambridge school scholars (e.g. Skinner 1978, Pocock 1975) who portray Machiavelli as a champion of republican liberty and even suggest his teaching as a panacea for the contemporary democratic malaise. Since then we have witnessed a proliferation of different interpretations of Machiavelli’s teaching putting Machiavelli at the centre of many recent debates within the field. Many have criticised the Cambridge school for neglecting the most radical and progressive aspects of Machiavelli’s thought, suggesting that Machiavelli should be read rather as a populist or plebiscitarian inspiring in both cases plebeian anti-oligarchic politics (e.g. McCormick 2011 & 2018, Green 2016). Some have used Machiavelli to rethink relationship between liberty as non-domination, power and representation. (e.g. Hamilton 2014). Others were inspired by Machiavelli’s appropriation of Lucretius (Brown 2010) and put Machiavelli into a fruitful discussion within the Marxist and revolutionary tradition (e.g. Lucchese, Frosini 2015). Some were inspired by Machiavelli’s understanding of tumults and political conflict (e.g. Lefort 2012, Gaille 2018, Pedullà 2018) and others use Machiavelli to discuss the role of violence in politics (e.g. Winter 2018).


Keynote speakers

Filippo Del Lucchese (Brunel University London)

Jeffrey Green (University of Pennsylvania)

Lawrence Hamilton (University of Cambridge)

Vittorio Morfino (Università di Milano Bicocca)

Yves Winter (McGill University in Montreal)


The conference is organised by the Institute of Political Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in cooperation with Anglo-American University in Prague and the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
15. 11. 2019 9:00
Konec události
16. 11. 2019 17:00
Místo konání
Charles University Faculty of Arts, Anglo-American University
Webové stránky
Ideas In Politics, IPS FSV UK, ÚPOL FF UK
Typ události
Konference a přednášky