Julian Rentzsch: Runic inscriptions in Eurasia

Katedra Blízkého východu FF UK zve všechny zájemce na přednášku dr. Juliana Rentzsche z Univerzity Johannese Gutenberga v Mohuči na téma „Runic inscriptions in Eurasia“.


Across Eurasia, numerous inscriptions in runic writing systems can be found, including commemorative stelae from the Second Turkic Empire in the Orkhon Valley in present-day Mongolia, but also inscriptions from other Turkic peoples in the Yenisey area as well as in the Altai and Tian Shan Mountains. Taking these Old Turkic inscriptions as a starting point, the presentation will sketch the research history of these inscriptions and outline the fundamental graphematic principles of the Old Turkic script system. After that, some selected research problems connected to the runic inscriptions will be presented. We will then turn to other runic script systems in Eurasia, specifically the Székely script – also known as Old Hungarian script or Hungarian runes – in Transylvania, and runiform signs found on fragments from the Late Avar period in the Carpathian Basin, and discuss the question of a possible relationship between these script systems and other, seemingly similar and yet undeciphered signs in Western Eurasia, and perspectives for their investigation.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
19. 11. 2024 12:45
Místo konání
Filozofická fakulta, Celetná 13, Praha 1, místnost č. 1.08
Webové stránky
Katedra Blízkého východu FF UK
Typ události
Konference a přednášky