Job Loss, Identity, and Mental Health: Comparing and Contrasting the US and the Czech Republic

Department of Socialogy at CU FA cordially invites you to a lecture by a visiting Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Dawn Norris (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse).


A substantial amount of research in the United States examines the relationship between unemployment and mental health, but it often focuses on financial strain. Recent research has begun to use a social-psychological approach to explore the importance of identity in the unemployment-mental health process. However, cross-national research taking this approach is limited. In this presentation, I will summarize the findings from my qualitative research on this topic in the United States, as published in Job Loss, Identity, and Mental Health (Rutgers University Press, 2016). I will then provide an overview of my planned Fulbright research project in which I examine this topic using a social-psychological approach in the Czech Republic. A cross-national approach is key to understanding the ways that national structure, culture, and history help shape the unemployment experience. Cross-national work can also help inform coping and support strategies for unemployed individuals and the organizations that serve them.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
23. 2. 2023 14:00
Místo konání
hybrid: Department of Sociology, meeting room 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1 & Zoom
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Konference a přednášky