Exploration of Class, Distinction and Habitus in Popular Culture of Euroasia

The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, cordially invites you to a conference that will be held in the lecture room „Chapel“ (Voršilská 5, Prague 1) on 26 October 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm.

Class, distinction, and habitus have a contested position in the political and social sciences. No less controversial are the concepts in the humanities, even though the study of class in cultural studies seems to be long past its prime. The research agenda of Central and Eastern European popular culture looks a bit different. Due to the allegedly different path to modernity, exploration of class, distinction, and habitus in popular culture offers interesting stimuli even today.

You can find the whole programme here.

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
26. 10. 2023 10:00
Konec události
28. 10. 2023 16:00
Místo konání
Kaple, FF UK, Voršilská 1, 5. patro
Webové stránky
Filozofická fakulta UK, DHIW, CSPK
Typ události
Konference a přednášky