Education New Zealand – „Dream NEW“ Scholarship

Dreaming of the impossible is the first step towards making a change. Only by venturing into the unknown and stepping off the well-trodden path can new dreams and new ideas become reality.

The “Dream NEW” scholarship has been designed for students who dream big, crave adventure and set their sights on new horizons. It is for those wanting to realise their vision in the forward-thinking education climate of New Zealand – a country where innovation flourishes, and where people from all over the world come together to follow their dreams.

A New Zealand education encourages you to be open minded, creative and to dream new.

If …

  • You’d rather reach for the stars than live an ordinary life,
  • You crave adventure and seek new horizons,
  • People think you are crazy because you dream of the impossible,

… then you are the perfect candidate for the “Dream NEW” scholarship.

Apply and share your dream with us!

Podrobnosti události

Začátek události
30. 6. 2016 0:00
Konec události
1. 9. 2016 0:00
Místo konání
New Zealand
Webové stránky
Education New Zealand
Typ události
Stipendia, oborové nabídky a soutěže