Conversation on Curating Literature in An Art Space & Readings by Celebrated Irish Authors and Their Czech Translators
University College Dublin (UCD) and the National Library of Ireland (NLI) have teamed up to create a new museum that celebrates the literary heritage of Ireland and pays homage to Ireland’s modern and contemporary writers. MoLI – Museum of Literature Ireland was launched in September 2019 and with its multi-media exhibitions, digital displays, a range of specially commissioned films, an online radio channel, learning programmes, and a brand new online platform featuring 100 Irish books published in the last decade, it makes a remarkable addition to Ireland’s literary scene. Meet MoLI in a conversation on curating literature in an art space followed by readings from award-winning Irish authors and their Czech translators.
ON AIR: MoLI Museum of Literature Ireland is the first of a series of online conversations aired from the Gulliver Airship at DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague featuring exciting projects from around the globe that bring together art and literature.
Guests: Simon O’Connor, Director (MoLI), Benedict Schlepper-Connolly, Digital Curator (MoLI), Margaret Kelleher – Chair of Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama (University College Dublin)
Featured authors: Doireann Ní Ghríofa, Sara Baume, Mike McCormack, Caitríona O’Reilly
Translators: Alice Hyrmanová McElveen, Daniela Theinová, Ondřej Pilný
Hosted by: Ondřej Pilný, Director (Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University Prague) and Michaela Šilpochová, Artistic Director (DOX Centre for Contemporary Art)
Recent Czech Translations of Irish Writing
Máirtín Ó Cadhain, Klíč / An Eochair; Hřbitovní hlína / Cré na Cille
Anna Burns, Mlíkař / Milkman
Caitríona O’Reilly, Básnické krajiny Caitríony O’Reilly / Caitríona O’Reilly’s Poetic Landscapes (selected poems and an interview), Revolver Revue 120 (2020): 35-53.
Sally Rooney, Normální lidi / Normal People; Rozhovory s přáteli / Conversations with Friends
Tana French, Temná zahrada / The Witch Elm
Lisa McInerney, Zázraky krve / The Blood Miracles; Nádherná kacířství / The Glorious Heresies
Kevin Barry, Broukobol / Beatlebone; U nás v Bohane / City of Bohane
Sara Baume, Vyšlapaná čára / A Line Made by Walking; Jasno lepo podstín zhyna / Spill Simmer Falter Wither
Donal Ryan, Víc už se nedozvíme / All We Shall Know
Seamus Heaney, Lidský řetěz / Human Chain
Podrobnosti události
- Začátek události
- 19. 5. 2021 19:00
- Místo konání
- Live Stream from Gulliver Airship, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague
- Webové stránky
- https://www.facebook.com/events/1294455924289631?ref=newsfeed
- Organizátor
- DOX Centre for Contemporary Art and Centre for Irish Studies (Charles University Prague) in partnership with MoLI – Museum of Literature Ireland
- Typ události
- Pro veřejnost, Různé