
Online: konference, workshopy, webináře, kurzy



  • U většiny zde uvedených kurzů se jedná o nabídku komerčního charakteru, studenti si tedy vše vyřizují přímo s pořádající institucí a musí počítat s poplatky (pokud není v podmínkách uvedeno jinak).
  • Postup uznávání online kurzů – v případě zájmu o některý z těchto kurzů konzultujte Erasmus+ koordinátora na své domovské katedře či ústavu, abyste se ujistili, že Vám vybraný kurz bude uznán. Postup najdete zde.
    Online Course Recognition Procedure – if you are interested in any of these courses, consult the Erasmus+ coordinator at your home department or institute to ensure the course you have chosen will be recognized. The recognition procedure can be find here.


Virtual Study Abroad Program – Universität Hamburg – offer of 11 online courses – 5 topical (Tibetan studies, law, HR, psychology, political scinece) and 6 German and English language courses.

The courses are free of charge for CU students and they can get a transcript (between 2 and 5 ECTS/course).

The registration deadline for the program ends on March 17th.  The deadline of the 3 language intensive courses that start in March end a week earlier on March 8th. The students who want to take part in the program can fill out the application form attached and send it directly to Ms Annika Johannsen

Please note that the courses take place at German local time and applications will be accepted on “first come, first served” basis.

For the 6 language courses at the Language Center,we need proof of language proficiency for the required level. If the interested students do not have such proof, they can also take an online test (German:  English: or take a short test with one of our lecturers. If this is the case, the students can just simply contact me via Mail.


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Humanities – online courses in humanities and social sciences – offered in the spring (second) semester 2022/23 (starts in early March).


Zápis do online kurzů virtuální mobility v rámci univerzit Aliance 4EU+ v letním semestru 2022/23. Nabídku kurzů Univerzit Miláno, Ženeva, Varšava a Heidelberg naleznete na webu 4EU+.

Studenti se zaregistrují přímo na konkrétní univerzitě podle návodu na výše uvedeném webu. Kapacita kurzů je omezena, takže je lépe se přihlásit co nejdříve. Kurzy jsou pro studenty UK zdarma.

Enrolment for the online virtual mobility courses within the 4EU+ Alliance universities in the summer semester 2022/23. The courses offered by the universities Milan, Genéve, Warsaw and Heidelberg can be found on the 4EU+ website.

Students register directly at particular university according to the instruction found on the above mentioned website. Course capacity is limited, so it’s better to sign up as soon as possible. The courses are free of charge for CU students.


Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil – Portuguese for Foreigners oline courses. Free of cost for students from partner institutions, i. e. Faculty of Arts (max two per semester). The interetsed student must select the option in the enrollment form.


Massive open online courses – for CU students and employees.

  • EuropeanCitizenship – Development, Scope, and Challenges
  • Data Literacy – What is it and Why Does it Matter?

Deadline: continuously
