The objective of open science is to make research robust and as transparent as possible.. The goal of the Open Science Support Centre, established at Charles University’s Central Library as part of the HR Award project, is to make this transition as easy as possible for researchers.
HR Excellence in Research: Open Science – A Path towards Transparent and High-quality Research at CU
HR Excellence in Research: We Incorporate Ethical Principles into Everyday Life
This year, Charles University is defending the prestigious HR Award certificate and one of the evaluated criteria is ethics. As part of creating an inclusive environment, the university adopted its first Equal Opportunities Plan to create an inclusive environment, created the position of CU ombudsman and established the CU Equal Opportunities Board.
Univerzita Karlova bude letos obhajovat certifikát HR Award
Je to již pět let, co Univerzita Karlova získala od Evropské komise prestižní ocenění „HR Excellence in Research“. Letos na podzim přijede na UK tým mezinárodních hodnotitelů, před kterým bude muset univerzita prokázat, že plní své závazky a hodlá se i nadále v oblasti rozvoje lidských zdrojů a v péči o zaměstnankyně a zaměstnance kontinuálně zlepšovat.
Charles University Will Defend the HR Excellence in Research This Year
It had been five years since CU received the prestigious award “HR Excellence in Research” from the European Commission. This autumn, a team of international evaluators will come to CU, and the university will need to demonstrate that it has met its obligations and that it intends to continue making improvements in the HR area and in caring for its employees.