
New Issue of Estetika Journal Has Been Published

The issue features five scholarly articles, written by Michela Bariselli, Kalle Puolakka, Adrian Bruhns and Tilmann Köppe, Šárka Lojdová, and Giacomo Croci, as well as a critical note by Tomáš Hlobil. The journal Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics is published by Helsinki University Press in cooperation with the Department of Aesthetics at CU FA.

The Article of the Year 2022 in Aesthetics Was Published by CU FA

Simon Høffding, Carlos Vara Sánchez, and Tone Roald were awarded for their article “Being Moved by Art: A Phenomenological and Pragmatist Dialogue” published in Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics. The journal is published by CU FA in collaboration with Helskinki University Press. The award is organized by the Finnish Society for Aesthetics since 2015.