
Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Greek opposition, joins a CU FA discussion

On Monday, 28 April 2014, a discussion entitled Economic and Political Crisis in Greece and its Impact on the EU was held at the CU FA. The event was organized by POLIS, a student political science association.

European Master Course TEMA – The application for self-funded students is now open until 16th June 2014!

The 2-year-long European Master Course TEMA proposes the analysis of political use and scientific representation of territorial units (civilization, nation, region, city) in an interdisciplinary, research-based curriculum.

Charles University in Prague marked the 666th anniversary of its founding

Celebrations, which take place on 7 April every year, include a ceremonial assembly in the Grand Aula of the historic Carolinum building.

Czech Egyptologists Make New Discovery in Abusir

Since March this year, archaeologists of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague have been working in the southern part of the Institute´s archaeological concession in Abusir, near Cairo.

CU FA Professor Tomáš Halík Wins Prestigious Templeton Prize

Tomáš Halík is the first Czech person to be awarded the prestigious Templeton Prize.

Student Event Commemorates Maidan Victims

On 6 March 2014, a commemoration event was organized to honour the memory of the students and teachers who lost their lives at Maidan.

Jan Palach Week

Students at Charles University in Prague have gathered to commemorate Jan Palach Week.

Searching for Sophie in the Náprstek Museum

Czech school children were completing an interesting programme called Searching for Sophie, created and supported by the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague.

The Archaeology of Bohemia under the Reign of the Přemyslid Dynasty

This month, the entrance hall of the main building of CU FA has been host to the exhibition which presents a research project organised by the Department of Achaeology of CU FA, and led by Professor Jan Klápště.

Discovery of a New Unique Tomb at Abusir

A few days ago archaeologists from the Czech Institute of Egyptology, CU FA, discovered a unique tomb belonging to the priest and chief physician of Upper and Lower Egypt Shepseskafankh.