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Faculty of Arts Hosted Major Irish Language and Literature Conference

On 14 – 16 September 2017, scholars from Europe and North America gathered in Prague for an international Irish-language conference hosted by the Centre for Irish Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University.

CUFA Library Organises Seminar on Information Literacy

In the academic year 2017/18, CUFA Library organises an elective seminar focused on Information Literacy. The seminar is open to all students at Charles University. On completion, students will receive 4 credits.

Romanticism, nationalism and nationhood: Literary perspectives on politics

Centre for Political Philosophy, Ethics and Religion cordially invites you to round-table debate “Romanticism, nationalism and nationhood: Literary perspectives on politics” with Sir Drummond Bone (Professor of English Literature, Oxford) and Professor Martin Hilský.

The East and Central European Studies (ECES) Offered a Rich Academic and Cultural Program

This summer, Faculty of Arts welcomed 98 students from 8 different countries from around the world. These students represented 43 different universities, and were participating in classes focused on Central and Eastern Europe and relations between Europe and Asia regions.

Students of Dutch Studies at CUFA: Important Recent Successes

Students of the MA programme Dutch Studies have recently succeeded in international competitions and also in the Jiří Levý Competition for young translators.

Reconstruction of the Main Building

The general reconstruction of the Faculty of Arts main building on Jan Palach Square will be carried out gradually in 2017-2019. This summer, the faculty will get a new glass lift, which was designed in the original conception from the 1930s.

Professor Halík’s Book Receives Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award

Professor Halík’s book I Want You to Be has received the gold medal and the title of the Book of the Year in Philosophy at the annual meeting of the American Library Association.

History & Generalism: Perpetrating Humanities inside of Assyriology

Czech Institute of Egyptology, CUFA, cordially invites you to a lecture by Dr Setha F. C. Richardsona (University of Chicago) which will be held on 16June at 2 p.m. in Room C419 in Celetná 20, Prague 1.

Exhibition Launch: Peru’s New Chronicle and Good Governance by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala

The Embassy of Peru and Charles University, Faculty of Arts, are pleased to present an exhibition of 32 posters, with drawings by the indigenous chronicler Guaman Poma de Ayala (1535-1616), who toured the ancient Inca Empire.

Video Recording of Professor Griffin’s Lecture “Post-soviet Modernity and the Rise of Xenophobic Populism”

Professor Roger Griffin from the University of Oxford started the conference Fascism_Modernism_Populism on 23 May with a lecture “Post-Soviet Modernity and the Rise of Xenophobic Populism”.