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Translation of Scottish Gaelic Literature into Czech: Petra Johana Poncarová Has Won Josef Hlávek Award for Her Dissertation

Based on her research on an eminent Gaelic author Derick Thomson, Dr Petra Johana Poncarová (Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at CU FA) has laid a foundation of new philological discipline in the Czech Republic – studies of Gaelic language and literature.

doc. PhDr. Pavel Hartl Passed Away

Docent Pavel Hartl, a university pedagogue, psychologist, and psychotherapist, promoter of science, and author, passed away on 14 November 2020 aged 86.

The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Joins the Initiative “Thanks that We Can”

The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, commemorates the Velvet Revolution by symbolically illuminating the building nám. Jana Palacha in the colours of the Czech tricolour on 17 September at 17:11.  

Vietnamese Admirers of Czech Literature May Read the First Two Volumes of Švejk in Their Native Language

After the translation of Neruda’s Tales of the Lesser Quarter (Povídky malostranské), which has reached the Vietnamese readers already in two editions (the last one in 2019), the enthusiasts of Czech literature in Vietnam will also get to know the satirical dark comedy novel by Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923) called The Good Soldier Švejk (Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války).

Job Offer from 2 November 2020 – Czech Institute of Egyptology

The Czech Institue of Egyptology is looking for an Assistant Professor specialized in Egyptology, Egyptian archaeology, Old Kingdom architecture and iconography.

Charles University Ranked as the 210th Best Global University

Charles University defended its position on the Best Global Universities amongst the best world research-oriented universities. In the seventh year of the rating, it ranked the 210th position from fifteen hundred compared research universities from more than eighty countries in the world.

Declaration of a state of emergency at Charles University

On 4 November 2020, the Rector of Charles University, prof. Tomáš Zima, by the Rector’s measure No. 46/2020, declared a state of emergency at the entire university, effective from 5 November 2020. All measures taken so far remain in effect.

Prof Jan Bouzek Passed Away

Prof Bouzek, a classical archaeologist whose interests overreached to philosophy and anthropology, passed away on 3 September 2020 aged 85.

By February to Bachelor’s, by March to Follow-Up Master’s. Apply to the Studies at Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Submit your applications to study electronically from 1 November 2020 to 28 February 2021 (BA programmes) or to 31 March 2021 (the follow-up MA programmes). You may find basic and detailed information on the admission process on the prospective student webpage (all links in this post are only in Czech), along with the complete offer […]

Online Summer School of the East and Central European Studies (ECES) Was Nominated for STUDY IN Award

Seventeen projects had submitted for the “STUDY IN Award in the Field of Internationalization” and six projects have been short-listed. The winner will be announced at the beginning of December. The Summer School is organized by a team from the ECES programme.