
Statement by the Rector of Charles University on the Situation of Women in Iran

Just as we support democratic approaches and equality on our university grounds, we must also insist on them in our interaction with the wider global environment. Disagreement with the aggressiveness of the regime towards population groups is one of the principles of a free academic community.

The Department of Sinology Opens Uyghur Language Course

The course in the winter semester 2022/23 includes an introduction to the history, culture, and facts of Uyghurs in China and abroad. It is taught by Ondřej Klimeš from the Oriental Institute at the Czech Academy of Sciences and Veronika Zikmundová from the Institute of Asian Studies at CU FA. It takes place on Monday from 3:50 pm in Celetná 20.

Construction in Passageway at the Main Building of the Faculty

From 30 September to 3 October 2022, construction work will take place in the passageway of the faculty’s main building (Valentýnská street exit). No persons or vehicles will be allowed entry during this period.

With Determined People, the University Will Be Able to Face All the Challenges

A word from prof. Milena Králíčková, Rector of Charles University, at the beginning of the 2022/2023 academic year.

Run from Kyiv to Brussels at Sport Unites Event

The public sport event and charity run takes place on 27 September at the running track at the Faculty of Physical Education, Charles University. Free entry to the main relay race and the accompanying programme.

Didaktikon: Science for Elementary & Secondary Schools

The first week in September saw the opening of the Didaktikon Educational and Creative Centre at Kampus Hybernská, successfully bridging cooperation between Charles University and the City of Prague. Ten interdisciplinary and interactive exhibits and a number of events, which have been largely prepared by teachers from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, await visitors. It is free for schools.

The Importance of Promoting Rare and Endangered Languages

Seventy languages are taught at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, which is unique not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Europe. On 30 September, the faculty platform Library of Languages organizes the European Day of Languages which focuses this year on supressed languages.

65th Summer School of Slavonic Studies Wrapped up

The summer school held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, ended on 19 August bringing to a close a month of intensive Czech language study. The programme featured not only regular Czech language classes but also workshops, lectures, day trips and other events highlighting Czech history, arts, and culture. In short, an unforgettable experience.

EEA grants allow Czech students and academics to work and study in otherwise expensive destinations

Over the past four years, the Faculty of Arts, Charles University has participated in European Economic Area (EEA) grant projects which have given dozens of our students and employees the opportunity to travel for work or study in Norway and Iceland. As the last two mobility projects of this type will be coming to an end in August, we would like to offer the following overview of their realization. 

Historic Opitz House: Accomodation for University Guests

Did you know that it is possible to sleep overnight within the Carolinum complex? Charles University offers accommodation in its buildings to university guests (including esteemed recpients of honorary degrees). The most representative accommodation facility is known as Opitz House, just a few steps from the Old Town Square.