
Balast below the Line: Dawn Norris and the Understanding that We Are More than Our Jobs

In the bonus episode of the faculty podcast, guest lecturer Dr Dawn Norris from the University of Wisconsin talks about sociology with focus on her research project. She compared the attitudes towards work in the Czech Republic and the United States and what is the role of work in people’s identities.

The Centre for Irish Studies Hosts a Conference Dedicated to the Irish Author Brendan Behan

The conference Brendan Behan at 100: Legacy and New Directions will take place on 23-24 June 2023. Marking the centenary of the birth of the Irish author, playwright, and rebel, the conference intends to reconsider his rich literary legacy.

Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Supports the Month of LGBTQ+ Community

Every June, Pride Month draws attention to the rights and culture of sexual minorities and the ongoing discrimination and homophobia against LGBTQ+ people. This year, CU FA joins the event with a series of lectures and discussion sessions aimed not only at raising awareness of LGBTQ+ but also at the history, literature, philosophy, and other related fields.

Young Academics from Abroad May Apply for up to a Two-Year Stay at CU FA through JUNIOR Fund

The goal of the JUNIOR Fund is to attract prospective international post-doc researchers, who will carry out research within a specific field. The main initiative is always on the relevant establishment or a faculty or other unit of CU that is interested in researching a particular research project.

A New Catalogue of Faculty of Arts Press Publications Is Out

The list of books and journals published by CU FA in the academic year 2023/2024 is freely available online at The English version of the catalogue presents twelve open-access journals.

Academic from the Institute of Asian Studies at CU FA Co-Edited Publication The Lives and Legacy of Kim Sisŭp (1435–1493)

The book, co-authored by doc. Miriam Löwenstein, focuses on the most important figure in Korean literature and intellectual history, Kim Sisŭpa. The publication was also co-edited by a CU FA alumni and former lecturer, doc. Vladimír Glomb, who now teaches at the Free University of Berlin.

Eight PhD Students of CU FA Received Anglo-Czech Educational Fund Scholarship

The scholarships enable PhD students and young researchers to spend part of their studies at prestigious universities in the United Kingdom. This exceptional support helps to connect young humanities scholars with world-class institutions.

Evaluate Courses of the Summer Semester. Students Evaluate by 28 May

Anonymous electronic evaluation of courses takes place from 15 to 28 May. The feedback improves the quality of your studies and of your fellow students’ studies.

Forum Radio: When there was a “Little Berlin” in Prague

A new monograph Little Berlin in Big Prague was published by Dr Lenka Kerdová, an artist, academic researcher and history of visual art graduate from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. The book is based on reseach from her PhD dissertation examining Prague architecture during the interwar period, specifically buildings designed by German-speaking architects.

French State Secretary for European Affairs Visited Charles University

Laurence Boone delivered her speech on 27 April 2023 in the Patriotic Hall of Carolinum, where she was greeted by the Vice-Rector of CU, Prof. Voldřichová Beránková, Dr. Zora Hesová from the Department of Political Science at CU FA, and Jan Kolínský from the student society POLIS.