Studying at the Faculty of Arts comes with the possibility to take part in numerous student clubs, associations, and societies: there are societies associated with particular study programmes and also societies which connect students across different fields of study.
ANTRE (Studentský spolek antropologie a etnologie)
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ESN Charles University Prague, z.s.
Iniciativa filmových studií
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KAPR – Spolek studentů Katedry andragogiky a personálního řízení FF UK
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PLESS (Experimentální laboratoř na Katedře psychologie FF UK)
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Pražská studentská sekce České archivní společnosti (PSS ČAS)
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Pražská univerzitní skupina Amnesty International
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PRS (Pražský religionistický spolek)
The main aim of our association (founded in 2010) is to bring new and advanced students of religious studies together in informal settings in order to enable exchange of ideas and opinions. This is partly to foster certain openness, as well as to encourage dialogue in our field of study that has a tendency toward fragmentation. Among the activities we organise regularly are the (English speakers friendly) Religious Studies Film Club (conceived as an opportunity to further the cinematic and ethnographic horizons of the participants and to foster a dialogue with visual culture), student seminars (as a platform where students can learn to present their ideas and research in a semi-public environment and without the pressure of evaluation), day trips and weekend stays in the countryside. The latter are modeled on various rituals and offer the possibility to reflect on relationships between textuality and lived culture. We are additionally active in promoting education about religious topic among the wider public. The association is happy to serve as a means of organizing an encounter and dialogue with all those who share similar interests with us.
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Schwa is a student society which aims to bring together all students of English and American Studies and support them in organising creative projects and events. Students of other studies at the Faculty of Arts with an inextinguishable passion for the English language are heartily welcome.
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