Supervisor and SIS

Instructions for completing the assessment of PhD studies in SIS:

  • The assessment is completed for PhD students in SIS directly by their supervisor or a person in the role of “Tajemník” in charge of filling in the results at the basic units.
  • For language and philosophy exams, assessments are recorded by the Language Centre and the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. Hence, these assessments should only be recorded by their authorized personnel.
  • Assessments of Publications and Research Activities are recorded by the chair of the respective subject-area board, although this is usually done at the suggestion of the supervisor. Typically, therefore, the supervisor only states the fulfilment of publications and research activities in their commentary on the annual assessment, and the assessment itself is then recorded by the chair of the SAB on the basis of this comment during the SAB meeting (or immediately before or after the meeting).

The procedure for supervisors to complete the assessment in SIS is as follows:

  1. Log in to SIS in the role of ”Učitel”.
  2. In the module Exam Results, click on the Students tab.
  3. In the field Name starts with, enter the student’s surname and click on Enter. The student is then displayed together with a list of all courses/subjects the student is enrolled in.
  4. Click on the icon  (grades en block) next to the student’s name. A list of all obligations is displayed with details about fulfilment/non-fulfilment.
  5. The assessment is recorded in the box in the Grade column. However, do not record grades (which do not exist in PGS), but “P” for a successfully completed assessment or “N” for an unsuccessful attempt.
  6. In this manner, you can record assessments for all courses/subjects at one time. Once you are finished, click on Enter Grades at the bottom of the page.
  7. If you make an error while recording the results and would like to delete or correct it, you can do so by clicking on the icon  (one by one) in the Students tab next to the student’s name. A list of obligations is displayed once again. If you click on the icon  (edit) to the left of some of them, you can use the menu in the Final Grade field to change or delete the assessment (when deleting, you must also delete the date). You save the correction by clicking on the Enter Results button.


Ph.D. Studies Office

nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1


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Tuesday 09:00 – 12:00
Wednesday 14:00 – 17:00
Thursday 14:00 – 16:00

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