Student Awards

Student awards

The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and external institutions and foundations announce a number of awards and competitions during the academic year, which not only academic staff members participate in, but students as well.

Faculty of Arts awards

Each year, the Faculty of Arts announces the Jan Palach Award, which is currently the only student award for the entire faculty. The Department of Romance Studies also organizes for its students the Kateřina Krausová Award, the Department of Psychology the Professor Zdeněk Matějček Award, and the Department of English Language and ELT Methodology with the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures the Mathesius Award.

Details on the specific awards offered by the Faculty of Arts can be found here.

Charles University awards

One of the most important awards that Charles University organizes each year is the Bolzano Award, which is intended for students of all three academic levels for outstanding theses that have been published or defended during the recently ending academic year. Other awards at Charles University include two awards of the Rector of Charles University (the Rector’s Award for the Best Graduates of Charles University and the Rector’s Extraordinary Award), the Bedřich Hrozný Award for Creative Work or Charles University’s Miroslav Petrusek Award for Presentation.

Details on the awards of Charles University can be found here.

Awards outside Charles University

External institutions (foundations, funds, associations, etc.) provide students and employees of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University with many other opportunities to win awards for their achievements. Searching for external awards is a very individual matter (especially in relation to the subject area or type of output), so compiling a complete list of external awards is not possible. To a large extent, the search for new opportunities (what awards to participate in) is up to the students themselves or their departments and institutes.

More information on awards outside Charles University can be found here.


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