

Graduation is a ceremony during which graduates take an academic oath and receive their diploma, and this act authorizes them to use academic titles. Ph.D. graduation ceremonies for the Faculty of Arts usually take place in the Great Hall of the Karolinum. 


Completion of studies – Graduation 

The day of completing one’s studies is considered to be the day of defending one’s dissertation. From this day, graduates are entitled to use the university title “Ph.D.”. 

Diplomas are awarded at graduation ceremonies, which could take place several months after graduation. The PhD Studies Office may, at the request of the graduate, issue confirmation of completion of studies, which serves as temporary proof of education until the graduate receives their diploma.  

Graduation ceremony 

Dates for graduation ceremonies 

The dates for upcoming graduation ceremonies can be found in SISHere. 

The dates of graduation ceremonies are provided in the Calendar for the current academic year.
Graduates are assigned a term for the graduation ceremony according to the date of completion of their Ph.D. studies. 

Period of completion  Graduation ceremony term 
March – September November/December 
October  – February  June 

Assignment of term 

Graduation dates are assigned to graduates via SIS and for organizational reasons cannot be changed individually. After the term is assigned, the graduate will receive an automatic e-mail from SIS with information about the pre-assigned term. If necessary, this term may be changed by the Student Affairs Office. 

If a graduate cannot attend the graduation ceremony during this term for serious reasons, it is possible at this stage to remove the graduate from this graduation ceremony term. After the binding assignment of a term (approximately four weeks before the graduation ceremony), graduates are sent another e-mail confirming the term.  

Moving graduates between the individual groups is very demanding from a technical standpoint (when there is no vacancy, even impossible), and this is permitted only in very extraordinary cases (when a sibling or spouse graduates in the same term and wants to have their graduation ceremony together – please announce these circumstances in time to the Student Affairs Office).  


Please abide by the time specified in the invitation. Graduates are required to be present 30 minutes before the graduation ceremony (in the cloakroom next to the Great Hall). The graduates are then lined up 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony. During these 15 minutes, the ceremony organizer informs the graduates of the organization of the ceremony, so please be there on time.  

Graduates who do not show up by this time are removed from the list, and during the last five minutes, they cannot be added back.  

Excusing yourself for non-participation 

If you cannot participate in the graduation ceremony in the agreed term, you must request in writing that your graduation ceremony be moved to another term or that you do not participate at all in the ceremony (please contact Mgr. Jan Brož by e-mail).

Dress code 

Only academics and the administrative staff of the Faculty of Art and Charles University are dressed in gowns. Thus, please comply with the dress code (i.e. men should wear a suit) so that the group photo from the event is presented in an appropriate manner for all graduates. If your clothing is completely inappropriate, your diploma will be presented to you outside the ceremony in the vestibule of the Karolinum hall. 


You do not need tickets for the graduation ceremony. Admission is free for your guests (we also recommend that they arrive at the ceremony in advance). Although the hall has a sufficient number of seats, places for parents in the side benches in the front part of the hall are limited in number. Therefore, we ask you for your tolerance towards other graduates and, if possible, inform your guests that this space is only for your closest relatives. 

Please consider the participation of children under the age of three at the graduation ceremony. For young visitors, the celebration is often too long. Please keep in mind that a crying child and accompanying persons may be asked by the organizer to leave the Great Hall. However, a parent with a child can wait in the vestibule of the hall, where there will be a table and chairs.  


Photography is arranged by a professional company (information available at – you are not required to take photos). This ensures the smooth running of the ceremony, which would be greatly disrupted by individual photo taking or videos. 

During the graduation ceremony, video, audio and audio-visual recordings of all persons present may be taken. Each person acknowledges this by entering the premises where the graduation ceremony takes place. If a graduate does not wish to attend the graduation ceremony for such a reason, they may request to be excluded from the graduation ceremony. In such a case, diplomas will be provided to them separately outside the ceremony. 

Ceremonial oath 

Dear graduates, you have successfully passed the exams required by law to verify the knowledge of those who would like to attain the rank and title of doctor. 

You now appear before us requesting that we confer the degree you are applying for in this solemn assembly. Nevertheless, you must first take an oath that you will always conduct yourselves as required by the honourable status you will acquire and as we expect of you. 

Hence you hereby swear: 

Above all, that you will preserve forever in your memory this university where you have attained the rank of DOCTOR and that you will always support its activities and interests to the best of your ability. 

Furthermore, that you will maintain the title I bestow upon you flawless and unscathed. 

Lastly, that you will devote yourself with tireless diligence to humanities studies, not for personal gain or vainglory, but so that the truth might be disseminated and so that its light, on which the welfare of the human race rests, might shine brighter. 

Do you swear this on your good conscience? 

I swear. 

Hence, there is nothing to prevent us from awarding you the degree you wish to attain. Wherefore, I, the promoter appointed under law, declare you doctor by virtue of my office, publicly announce your appointment, and grant you all of the rights and privileges of the masters. In evidence whereof, I present to you these diplomas with the seal of Charles University.  


The diploma may also be obtained without participating in the graduation ceremony. 


  • First, the graduate visits the Rector’s Office during office hours, Student Affairs Office (Prague 1, Ovocný trh 3, 2nd floor, door no. 203), where you enter your signature in the registry book. 
  • You will then receive your diploma after submitting the confirmation of signature in the registry book at the PhD Studies Office of the Faculty of Arts. 
  • A designated person may also pick up your diploma under a power of attorney. The power of attorney form can be found here. 

The form, data, and other details of the university diploma and the diploma supplement are specified in Rector’s Directive no. 55/2017 

The Archives of Charles University arrange copies of diplomas. More information and the request form can be found on the website of the Archives of Charles University. 





Ph.D. Studies Office

nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1


 Office hours

July and August

Tuesday 09:00 – 12:00
Thursday 14:00 – 16:00

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