If you are sure that you had entered the correct password, check whether the NumLock is switched on and whether you are using the right Czech or English keyboard and whether the last line in the login dialogue box says “FF.CUNI”. If all this does not help, contact IT Support or the person on duty in the computer lab.
Use shortcut Alt+64 (numbers on the numerical keyboard).
No. Academic network rules do not allow distribution of unsolicited emails.
If you hold the Power button for about 5 seconds, the computer will switch off. If this problem occurs frequently, contact IT Services.
You have leave the purchase up to IT Service. Just inform the office about the required equipment and how much money can be used for the purchase.
You will find the contact data of full-time CU FA staff on the website is.cuni.cz/webapps/whois. Fill in a part of the name (it can be without diacritics) into the search box and click on people search. Information on external staff is posted on the home pages of the constituent components of the CU FA.