Matriculation ceremony

Matriculation ceremony is a ceremony during which new students are introduced among the members of the academic community of Charles University. Part of the ceremony is the taking of the matriculation vow.

“I promise to properly exercise the rights and fulfil the duties of a member of the academic community of Charles University.

I promise to respect the glorious humanistic and democratic tradition of Charles University,

to heed its good reputation, and to study so that my activity brings universal benefit.”


  • At the Faculty of Arts, matriculation ceremonies are underway for students of bachelor’s programmes of study. There are no matriculation ceremonies for Master’s and Doctoral students at FF UK.
  • Like other academic ceremonies (graduation ceremonies, etc.), matriculation ceremonies are performed in Czech, with the exception of parts delivered in Latin. The exact form of matriculation is described in the Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University.
  • Matriculation ceremonies take place without public participation, only current and future members of the academic community participate.
  • At the matriculation, all students of the first years of Bachelor’s study at FF UK are invited by e-mail.
  • Participation in the matriculation ceremony is voluntary. During the matriculation, the lessons are not cancelled.
  • Regardless of whether or not they take part in matriculations, all students entering the first year of bachelor, master and doctoral studies are required to sign the matriculation oath before starting their studies, either physically when they personally enrol in the study with the study referee, or electronically at Moodle (the matriculation oath is signed by students who enrolled in the study remotely via SIS; to Moodle is logged in with login data to CAS – see Student cards).

For students starting their bachelor’s programmes of study at the Faculty of Arts in the academic year 2024/25, the matriculations will take place on Friday 4. 10. 2024 in the Large Hall of Carolinum (Ovocný trh 5, Prague 1).

For organisational reasons, all matriculating students are divided into four groups:

  • From 9.00 students whose surname begins with letters A-H
  • From 11.00 students whose surname begins with letters Ch–M
  • From 13.00 students whose surname begins with the letters N–S
  • From 15.00 students whose surname begins with letters Š–Ž


  • We ask all participants of the matriculation ceremony to arrive to the Large Hall of Carolinum at least half an hour before its start; dress code: formal.
  • During the matriculation, visual, audio and audio-visual recordings of all people present may be made. By entering the space where the ceremonial matriculation takes place, each person takes note of this.