In accordance with the Universities Act, the Research Board and the Academic Senate are two self-governing faculty bodies with a significant role in the life of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Among other topics, the agenda of the Research Board involves:
long-term faculty policies,
accreditation of degree programmes,
cooperation between the faculty and other Czech and foreign universities and institutions,
decisions related to habilitation and professorship proceedings, honorary degrees, and other awards.
Members of the board are selected from the leading representatives of subjects pursued at the faculty and are appointed by the Dean, with at least one-third of the members coming from outside of the university academic community. Most of the sessions of the Research Board are public and take place every month, with the exception of the period from July to August. Organisational matters of the Research Board are arranged by the Research Office; the current agenda of the Research Board is available in Czech on the website of the Research Office.
Research Board Members
List of current Research Board members can be found here.