Bolzano Award

Every year, the Rector of Charles University announces the prestigious Bolzano Award. The prize is awarded to students and graduates of Charles University for exceptionally innovative works with outstanding creative content and, typically, with interdisciplinary thematic overlap developed during their studies.

The prize is awarded in three categories:

  • social sciences, including theology
  • natural science
  • biomedicine

The winner receives a cash reward of at least 40,000 CZK.

It is possible to submit only works that have been completed (i.e., already defended or published) in the academic year in which the competition is announced. The same work cannot be submitted twice.

The application must be submitted by a student or graduate of Charles University via the Student Information System – in the Awards module in SIS4 by 31 October at the latest. The faculty appraises the nomination after the student or graduate submits the application in the system. When the Rectorate of Charles University reviews the faculty’s nomination, its members will announce whether the Rectorate recommends the student for the final nomination.

The competition is organised by UK Point. If you need more information, please get in touch with Kateřina Hovorková (e-mail:; tel.: +420 776 510 437).


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Na Příkopě 29, Prague 1

Štěpánka Zelenková Semecká