General information about Free mover program
(International visiting student)
Students, whose home university currently does not have any exchange agreement with the Faculty of Arts or who wish to arrange their studies abroad on their own, can apply as International Visiting Students (Free mover program).
- The Free mover study stay cannot exceed two semesters.
- International Visiting Student receives credits for classes upon completion of the necessary curricular requirements and obtains the Transcript of Records if the study stay lasts at least one full semester.
- The tuition fee is 1 500 EUR per semester / 3 000 Euro per academic year. The fee covers the cost of tuition and examinations, students are responsible for paying their own living expenses (food, lodging, insurance etc.)
- Applications submitted after the deadline might be subject to additional registration fee in the amount of 100 EUR.
(to submit the application and supporting documents)
Students of EU or EFTA countries citizenship:
- 30 April (for winter semester)
- 31 October (for summer semester)
Students of third countries citizenship
- 31 March (for winter semester)
- 30 September (for summer semester)
- Application Form – signed and scanned
- CV (personal resume)
- passport scan
- Motivation Letter (Cover Letter)
- Transcript of Records
- academic recommendation(s) from home university teacher(s)
- certificate of enrolment at home university
The application documents are to be sent via e-mail to the International Relations Office:
- contact person: Mgr. Renata Jamin
1) Online payment: go here
Enter the payee ‘s information into the following fields:
- Student’s first name and surname
- Student’s email address
- Purpose: according to the selected program (FM semester or FM Academic year)
- Variable symbol: 611 810
- Payment notes: First name and surname of the student + Free mover
After having entered all these data, you can proceed to the payment.
Send a screenshot of your payment to Mgr. Renata Jamin (
2) Bank transfer (sender pays the bank fees)
- Bank information: Komerční banka, Celetná 567/30, CZ-110 00 Prague 1
- Name and address of the account holder:
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1 - IBAN code: CZ9601000000000085631011
- Account number: 85631011/0100
- Variable symbol: 611 810 + your name + Free mover
3) In person at the Faculty of Arts’ Cash Office
- The full tuition fee is due 30 days before the official start of the study stay (the exact date is stated on the Acceptance letter).
- If the student withdraws from the programme within 30 days prior to the official start of the semester, he/she will receive back 25% of the tuition fee. In this case the student is responsible for paying any bank transfer fees associated with the reimbursement.
- If the student is unable to attend lectures for medical reasons, he/she will receive back 100% of the tuition fee. In such a case, students are obliged to present a medical certificate no later than three weeks after their medical problems appeared. The student is responsible for paying any bank transfer fees associated with the reimbursement.
- If the student withdraws from the programme earlier (more than 30 days prior to the official start of the semester), he/she will receive back 100% of the tuition fee. In this case the student is responsible for paying any bank transfer fees associated with the reimbursement.
Before arrival
- If the academic department agrees to accept the student, the FA CU International Relations Office issues Letter of Acceptance and Confirmation of Study.
- If the student requested housing in the original application form, International Relations Office arranges an accommodation at the Charles University Halls of Residence. For more information about housing, please go to the CU dormitories website
- Visa requirements – consult the Official web portal for foreigners
After arrival
- Official RegistrationYou need to register at the International Relations Office (room 103, 1st floor, main faculty building) once you arrive, anytime within the office hours. You will need your passport or ID and the Letter of Acceptance.
During the registration meeting the student obtains detailed information on course selection, Student Information System, life in Prague etc.
- Student ID CardEach International Visiting Student obtains the free of charge Student ID card, which is valid for the period of the student’s mobility.
- Course SelectionInternational Visiting Students should contact the academic coordinator from the corresponding institute or department (usually stated on the Letter of Acceptance) in order to discuss courses to attend. Institutes and departments publish the course schedules on their websites or on the secretariat boards.
Courses must be signed up in the Student Information System (SIS).
Before departure
- Transcript of Records – by the end of each semester all course results and ECTS credits awarded must be recorded in your SIS profile. Students who need their Transcript of Records are obliged to ask for it at least one week before their departure.
contact: Mgr. Renata Jamin
Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators
Mgr. Lenka Kristenová
+420 221 619 841
Mgr. Barbora Dogan
+420 221 619 427
Office Hours
Room 128, main building
Tuesday 9:00–12:00
Wednesday 14:00–17:00
Thursday 14:00–16:00