BIP (Blended Intensive Programme)

The BIP involves cooperation between three universities, one of which organises a workshop, summer school or other intensive programme. The BIP includes both a physical and virtual part.

  • trip of 5-30 days’ duration
  • students must obtain at least 3 ECTS during the mobility

Further information:

Information for FA BIP organizers:

Selection procedure

The selection of students for short-term mobility is the responsibility of the departmental coordinator and relates to a specific programme abroad.

Pre-departure, during your stay and after you return

The administrative procedure for the trip is the same as for a classic Erasmus+ study trip.

For stays in the academic year 2024-25, it is necessary to create an application for the year 2025-26 and write to us at to transfer it to the current year.

In the application in the app, the student enters only the name of the programme and the number of credits they are to receive for it (at least 3 ECTS) in their curriculum.


International Relations Office
nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, Prague 1
Room P103 and P128

Czech Studies
Na Příkopě 584/29, Prague 1