SIS Video Manual

Video Manual for the Student Information System

Please note: To browse and select courses for your Learning Agreement before the mobility you do NOT need to be logged into the site.

Video Manual for Course Registration

Please note: this manual is intended for your online registration of the selected courses AFTER your arrival. You will need your university login to proceed.


Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinators

Mgr. Lenka Kristenová
+420 221 619 841

Mgr. Barbora Černá
+420 221 619 427


Office Hours

Room 128, main building

Tuesday 9:00–12:00
Wednesday 14:00–17:00
Thursday 14:00–16:00

Other Agreements Coordinator

Mgr. Renata Jamin
Room 103, main building

+420 221 619 835


International Office contacts