

Name Position Room Phone
PhDr. Milan Žonca, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for International Relations 103 +420 221 619 832
Mgr. Michaela Lemeškinová, Ph.D. Head of International Relations Office
Coordinator for setting up joint and double degree agreements, cotutelle agreements and international agreementsCoordination of Strategic Partnerships and CENTRAL programmes

+420 221 619 424

+420 778 498 001

Mgr. Marie Hanková

Deputy Head of International Relations Office

Coordinator for outgoing students (University Agreements)

Coordination of 4EU+ programmes

TEMA+ Administrative Coordinator

103 +420 221 619 834
Mgr. Renata Jamin Coordinator for incoming students Government and University Agreements, Free Movers, Visegrad Fund, CEEPUS, AKTION 103 +420 221 619 835
Mgr. Petra Benešovská Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator – outgoing students,
inter-institutional agreements
128 +420 221 619 840
Mgr. Kryštof Loub Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator – outgoing students 128 +420 221 619 425
Mgr. Lenka Kristenová Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator – incoming students 128 +420 221 619 841
Mgr. et Mgr. Barbora Dogan Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator – incoming students
Markéta Karlasová Staff mobility (Erasmus+, inter-institutional agreements)
128 +420 221 619 427



International Relations Office
nám. Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1
Rooms 103 and 128

Czech Studies
Na Příkopě 584/29, Prague 1



Final report on a stay at the Faculty of Arts