Recognition of Diplomas


For applicants to bachelor’s programmes of study

If you completed the previous level of education at a foreign secondary school, submit one of the following documents:

  1. a document proving that a foreign document concerning the obtainment of secondary education is generally recognised as equivalent or valid in the Czech Republic (so-called “nostrification”) – Free of charge;

  3. a document proving the granting of the European Baccalaureate – Free of charge;

  5. a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education completed with a “maturita” examination, if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedures (a “maturita school leaving certificate” from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia) – Free of charge;

  7. a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education to be assessed by the faculty – Charged.

In the admissions procedure for the 2025/2026 academic year the faculties will assess compliance with the requirement of obtainment of secondary education with “maturita” school-leaving examination under section 48 (4) of the Higher Education Act in the case of applicants who obtained a foreign secondary education by completing a secondary educational programme at a foreign secondary school, an international secondary school, a European School operating under the Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools, or a school licensed by the Ministry under the Education Act to offer compulsory education.

Send the documents listed below in hard copy form by post (the documents cannot be sent by email) to the address of the faculty no later than on 20 August 2025.

If your situation allows it, do not wait for August and submit the required documents as soon as possible. Thus, you will have enough time to produce additional documents if required. Kindly read the conditions for the administrative procedure that apply to you carefully; some of the procedures may take more time.


The following documents may be used to prove compliance with the requirement of obtainment of secondary education with “maturita” school-leaving examination under section 48 (4) of the Higher Education Act:
a) a document proving general recognition of the equivalence or validity of a foreign document (so-called “nostrification”)
  • It is issued by Regional Authorities (“krajský úřad”), the Metropolitan Authority of the Capital City of Prague (“Magistrát hlavního města Prahy”), or by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
  • For more information see:
  • Free of charge (a fee is paid to the Regional Authority or the Metropolitan Authority within the framework of the procedure on recognition of the equivalence or validity of a foreign secondary education)

The applicant must submit:

  1. In the application: filled details about prior education in the application in SIS (Student Information System): section My application – Secondary education proven by – type of document: “a document proving general recognition of the equivalence or validity of foreign secondary education (“nostrification”)”. Applicants processing a nostrification – recognition of prior learning may request an extension of the document submission deadline at the enrolment in the study.
  2. At the enrolment in the study: An authenticated copy of a document obtained in accordance with Act No. 561/2004 Sb., to regulate pre-school, basic, secondary, tertiary professional and other education (the Education Act), as amended, or in accordance with prior legal regulations, proving that a foreign document concerning the obtainment of secondary education is generally recognised as equivalent or valid in the Czech Republic.
b) a document proving the awarding of a European Baccalaureate
  • Applicable only to the European Baccalaureate. This does not apply to the International Baccalaureate, which is considered a document under section 48 (4) (d) of the Higher Education Act, and in this case the procedure described under letter (d) is applicable. If the International Baccalaureate forms an integral part of the “maturita” certificate for students who passed the “maturita” examination in Czech language and literature in the common part of the “maturita” examination, such applicants submit in the admissions procedure an authenticated copy of the “maturita” certificate.
  • Free of charge

The applicant must submit:

  1. In the application: filled details about prior education in the application in SIS (Student Information System): section My application – Secondary education proven by – type of document: “a document proving the awarding of a European Baccalaureate”.
  2. At the enrolment in the study: An authenticated copy of the European Baccalaureate diploma.
c) a document deemed automatically equivalent without any further administrative procedure
  • A foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education completed with the “maturita” examination, if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedures – these are documents proving obtainment of the equivalent of Czech “maturita” in Slovakia, Poland (“swiadectwo dojrzalosci”), Hungary (“érettségi bizonyítvány”), and Slovenia.
  • Free of charge

The applicant must submit:

  1. In the application: filled details about prior education in the application in SIS (Student Information System): section My application – Secondary education proven by – type of document: “a document deemed automatically equivalent without any further administrative procedure”.
  2. At the enrolment in the study: An authenticated copy of the foreign certificate or a similar document proving foreign secondary education obtained by completing a secondary educational programme at a foreign secondary school operating under the legal regulations of another state.
    If needed the faculty will request the applicant to also submit the following documents:

  4. Original or an authenticated copy of a document describing the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school (an overview of subjects including the number of hours of instruction for individual years of study).
d) a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education
This concerns documents to which the procedures above cannot be applied.

The applicant must submit:

  1. In the application: filled details about prior education in the application in SIS (Student Information System): section My application – Secondary education proven by – type of document: “a foreign document concerning a foreign secondary education (it will be assesed)”.
  2. Before enrolment at the latest: An authenticated copy of the foreign certificate or a similar document proving foreign secondary education obtained by completing a secondary educational programme at a foreign secondary school operating under the legal regulations of another state (verification can vary by country of issue);
  3. Original or an authenticated copy of a document describing the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school (an overview of subjects including the number of hours of instruction for individual years of study).
    If needed the faculty will request the applicant to also submit the following documents:

  5. Additional information on the content and scope of foreign secondary education;
  6. Additional information confirming that the programme of study was offered by an institution authorised to provide an education comparable to a secondary education under the Education Act;
  7. A confirmation from the relevant foreign secondary school or other relevant foreign body (e.g., a Ministry of Education) certifying that a graduate of a secondary educational programme at the relevant foreign secondary school is entitled to apply for admission to study in a bachelor’s or a long-cycle master’s programme of study in the given foreign state.

THE DOCUMENT IS ASSESSED – in the case of a positive assessment, the document is accepted; in the case of a negative assessment the applicant is required to submit a document under letter (a) (a general “nostrification”)
The assessment is valid only for the admissions procedure at the Faculty of Arts.

For applicants for post-bachelor (Follow-up Master’s Degree) and doctoral programmes of study

If you completed the previous higher education at a foreign higher education institution, submit one of the following documents:

  1. a document obtained in accordance with sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act proving general recognition of a foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (so-called “nostrification”) – Free of charge;

  3. a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education to be assessed by the Faculty – Charged.

  5. a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedures (a higher education diploma and diploma supplement from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia) – Free of charge;

In the admissions procedure for the 2025/2026 academic year, the faculties will assess compliance with the requirement of successful completion of study in a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study under section 48 (5) of the Higher Education Act in the case of applicants who obtained foreign higher education by completing a higher education programme at a foreign higher education institution.

Send the documents listed below in hard copy form by post (the documents cannot be sent by email) to the address of the faculty no later than on 20 August 2025.

If your situation allows it, do not wait for August and submit the required documents as soon as possible. Thus, you will have enough time to produce additional documents if required. Kindly read the conditions for the administrative procedure that apply to you carefully; some of the procedures may take more time.


The following documents may be used to prove compliance with the requirement of successful completion of study in a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study at a foreign higher education institution:
a) a document proving general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (so- called general “nostrification”)
  • It is issued by the public higher education institutions, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, or the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic.
  • For more information on the procedure for recognising foreign higher education at Charles University see:
  • Free of charge (a fee is paid to the public higher education institution or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports which performs the assessment in the procedure to recognise foreign higher education).

The applicant must submit:

  1. In the application: filled details about prior education in the application in SIS (Student Information System): section My application – Higher education proven by – type of document: “a document proving general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (“nostrification”)”. Applicants processing a nostrification – recognition of prior learning may request an extension of the document submission deadline at the enrolment in the study.
  2. At the enrolment in the study: An authenticated copy of a document obtained in accordance with sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act or in accordance with prior legal regulations proving general recognition of a foreign higher education in the Czech Republic.
b) a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education
This concerns documents to which the procedures listed in a) or c) cannot be applied.
The applicant must submit:

  1. In the application: filled details about prior education in the application in SIS (Student Information System): section My application – Higher education proven by – type of document: “a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education (it will be assessed)”. We assess only paid applications of the applicants who are admitted. We will announce the results (admitted/not admitted) on 30 June 2023 at the latest. Applicants processing a nostrification – recognition of prior learning may request an extension of the document submission deadline at the enrolment in the study.
  2. Before enrolment at the latest: An authenticated copy of the diploma, certificate, or similar document (for example a certificate of completion of study) issued by a foreign higher education institution (verification can vary by country of issue);
  3. An original or an authenticated copy of the Diploma Supplement or the transcript of examinations passed.
    If needed the faculty will request the applicant to submit also the following documents:

  5. Additional information on the content and scope of foreign higher education;
  6. A statement issued by the relevant foreign body confirming that the given higher education institution is authorised to offer higher education in the given foreign state (a statement on accreditation).
  7. In the case of a certificate of higher education issued by a Slovak higher education institution after 28 March 2015, also a statement issued by a foreign higher education institution in the state in which the programme of study completed by the applicant was offered.

THE DOCUMENT IS ASSESSED – in the case of a positive assessment, the document is accepted; in the case of a negative assessment the applicant is required to submit a document under letter (a) (a general “nostrification”)
The assessment is valid only for the admissions procedure at the Faculty of Arts.

c) a document concerning a foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic without any further administrative procedures
  • A foreign document concerning a foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administration procedures – these include documents certifying completion of a programme of study in Slovakia (with the exception of diplomas issued by foreign branches of Slovak higher education institutions after 28 March 2015 to which the procedure under letter (c) is applicable), in Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia (only master’s diplomas, the procedure under letter (c) is applicable to bachelor’s diplomas from Slovenia).
  • Free of charge.

The applicant must submit:

  1. In the application: filled details about prior education in the application in SIS (Student Information System): section My application – Higher education proven by – type of document: “a document concerning a foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic without any further administrative procedures”.
  2. At the enrolment in the study: An authenticated copy of diploma, certificate, or similar document (for example a certificate of completion of study) issued by a foreign higher education institution;
  3. An original or authenticated copy of the diploma supplement or a transcript of examinations passed (so called Diploma Supplement or Transcript);
  4. In the case of a certificate of higher education issued by a Slovak higher education institution after 28 March 2015, also a statement issued by a foreign higher education institution in the state in which the programme of study completed by the applicant was offered.



Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
Referát přijímacího řízení
nám. Jana Palacha 2
116 38 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Name of Bank: Komerční banka Praha 1
Account No: 85631011/0100
Constant symbol (“konstantní symbol”): 0308
Variable symbol (“variabilní symbol”): 820820
Specific symbol (“specifický symbol”): the number generated by the Information System (a six-digit code)
IBAN: CZ9601000000000085631011
Account Owner´s Address: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1 (Charles University, Faculty of Arts).

Administrative Fees: CZK 930

Payment can be paid by card (strongly recommended!), via bank transfer, bank deposit or in cash at the CU FA Cashier´s Office.

The fee cannot be refunded at any stage of the admission procedure.

Contact in case of questions:
phone: + 420 221 619 308


Documents which are not originally issued in the Czech, English, or Slovak languages must be officially translated into the Czech or English languages.

Other documents

If the situation of the applicant calls for it, the applicant also submits the following documents:

  1. A power of attorney, if the applicant is represented by an attorney for the purposes of proving compliance with the requirement for admission under section 48 (4) and (5) of the Higher Education Act;
  2. If the applicant’s name changes, an authenticated copy of a document proving it (e.g., a certificate of marriage);
  3. An authenticated copy of the decision to award international protection, if the assessment is requested by a person listed in section 90 (4) of the Higher Education Act and if this person wishes to use the possibility of substituting a document with an affirmation.

Quick search for the method of document verification according to the country in which the document was issued

State where the document was issuedDocument verification
AfghanistanA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
AlbaniaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
AlgeriaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
American SamoaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
AndorraCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Angola - PortugalCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Anguilla - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
AntarcticaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Antigua and BarbudaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
ArgentinaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
ArmeniaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Aruba - NetherlandsCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
AustraliaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
AustriaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
AzerbaijanCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
BahamasCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
BahrainCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Bailiwick of Guernsey - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
BangladeshSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
BarbadosCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
BelarusA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
BelgiumA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
BelizeCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
BeninSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Bermuda - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
BhutanSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
BoliviaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Bosnia and HerzegovinaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
BotswanaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Bouvet IslandSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
BrazilCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
British Solomon Islands - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
British Virgin Islands - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Brititish Antarctic Territory - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Brunei DarussalamCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
BulgariaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Burkina FasoSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
BurundiCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
CADSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
CambodiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
CameroonSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
CanadaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
The Superlegalization can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
Cape VerdeSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
CatarrhSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Cayman Islands - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Central African RepublicSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
CeutaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
ColombiaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
ComorosCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
CongoSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Congo, Democratic RepublicSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
cooks IslandsCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Costa RicaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
CreteA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
CroatiaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
CubaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
CyprusA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
DenmarkCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
DjiboutiSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
DominicaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Dominican republicCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
East TimorSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
EcuadorCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
EgyptSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Equatorial GuineaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
EritreaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
EstoniaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
EthiopiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Falkland Islands - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Faroe IslandsSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
FijiCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
FinlandCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
FranceA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
French PolynesiaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
French Southern TerritoriesSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
French territory of Affars and IssasCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
GabonSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
GambiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
GeorgiaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
GermanyCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
GhanaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Gibraltar - Great BritainCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Great BritainCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
GreeceA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
GreenlandSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
GrenadaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Guadeloupe - FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Guam - USACountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
GuatemalaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
GuineaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Guinea-BissauSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Guyana - FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
HaitiSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Heard Island and MacDonald IslandsSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
HondurasCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
HungaryA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic without any further administrative procedures.
Free of charge.
ChilleSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
ChinaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
China - Hong Kong and MacaoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Christmas islandSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
IcelandCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
IndiaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
IndonesiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
IranSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
IraqSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
IrelandCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
Isle of Man - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
IsraelCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
ItalyCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
Ivory CoastSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
JamaicaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
JapanCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Jersey- Great BritainCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
JordanSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
KazakhstanCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
KenyaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
KiribatiSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (= North K.)A verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
KosovoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
KuwaitSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
KyrgyzstanA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
LaosSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
LatviaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
LebanonSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
LesothoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
LiberiaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
LibyaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
LichtensteinCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
LithuaniaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
LuxembourgCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
MacaoSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MacedoniaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
MadagascarSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MalawiCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
MalaysiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MaldivesSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MaliSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MaltaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Marshall IslandsCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Martinique- FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
MauritaniaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MauritiusCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
MayotteSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MelillaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MexicoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
MicronesiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
MoldovaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
MonacoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
MongoliaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
MontenegroA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Montserrat - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
MoroccoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Mozambique - PortugalCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
MyanmarSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
NamibiaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
NauruSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
NepalSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
NetherlandsCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
Netherlands AntillesCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
New Caledonia - FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
New ZealandCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
NicaraguaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
NigerSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
NigeriaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
NiueCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
NorfolkSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Northern Mariana Islands - USACountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
NorwayCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
OmanCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
PakistanSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
PalauSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
PanamaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Papua New GuineaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
ParaguayCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
PeruCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
PhilippinesSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
PitcaimSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
PolandA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic without any further administrative procedures.
Free of charge.
PortugalCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
Puerto Rico - USACountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Republic of Korea (= South Korea)Country that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Reunion - FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
RomaniaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Russian federationA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
RwandaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Saint Helena - Great BritainCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Saint Kitts and Nevis - FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Saint LuciaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Saint Pierre and Miguelon - FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Saint ThomasCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
SalvadorCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
SamoaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
San MarinoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Saudi ArabiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
SenegalSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
SerbiaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
SeychellesCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Sierra LeoneSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
SingaporeSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
SlovakiaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic without any further administrative procedures.
Free of charge.
SloveniaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Foreign higher education which is automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic without any further administrative procedures.
Free of charge.
SomaliaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
South African RepublicCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
South George and South Sandwich Islands - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
South GeorgiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
SpainA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Sri LankaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
SudanSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
SurinameCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
SwazilandCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
SwedenCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
SwitzerlandA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
SyriaA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
TaiwanSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
TajikistanCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
TanzaniaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
ThailandSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
TogoSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
TokelauSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
TongaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
Trinidad and TobagoCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
TunisiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
TurkeyCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
TurkmenistanSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Turks and Caicos Island - United KingdomCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
TuvaluSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
UgandaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
UkraineA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
United Arab EmiratesSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
UruguayCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
US Minor Outlying IslandsSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
US Virgin IslandsCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
USACountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
The Apostille can be replaced by verified copy and additional confirmation from foreign school.
UzbekistanA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
VanuatuCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
VaticanSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
VenezuelaCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
VietnamA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
Wallis and Futuna - FranceCountry that signed multilateral convention on simplified verification of foreign public documents (the Hague Convention): an uniform procedure of verification is set – the Apostille, issued by a relevant institution of the country of diploma origin (see).
YemenA verified copy is required (made by notary or made by CzechPoint)
ZambiaSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
ZimbabweSuperlegalization: documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the school issuing the document; AND b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic.
Donetsk People's RepublicA diploma issued under the legal system of a country not recognised by the Czech Republic cannot be accepted as a public document proving that the legal conditions for access to a given type of study programme have been met. We recommend that the applicant submit this diploma to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine - they should provide a clause that converts the diploma issued by the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic into a public document recognized by the legal system of Ukraine, i.e. a public document valid on the territory of Ukraine.
Luhansk People's RepublicA diploma issued under the legal system of a country not recognised by the Czech Republic cannot be accepted as a public document proving that the legal conditions for access to a given type of study programme have been met. We recommend that the applicant submit this diploma to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine - they should provide a clause that converts the diploma issued by the unrecognized Luhansk People's Republic into a public document recognized by the legal system of Ukraine, i.e. a public document valid on the territory of Ukraine.