

All BA programmes are taught only through the medium of Czech.

Programmes taught in other languages are available in English, German, and Russian.

Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Asian History and Culture (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Auxiliary Historical Sciences (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Classical Archaeology (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Classical Philology (EN)

Deutsch und Slawistik (DE)

Digital Social Science (EN)

Egyptology (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (EN)
Full-time | Combined

General Linguistics (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Germanoslavistika (RU)

History of Visual Arts (EN)

History/General History (EN)

Ibero-American Studies (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Information Science (EN)

Jewish Studies (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies (EN)

Modern Economic and Social History (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Musicology (EN)

Philosophy (EN)
Full-time | Combined

Phonetics (EN)

Political Science (EN)

Psychology (EN)

Romance Languages (EN)

Romance Literatures

Theatre Studies (EN)

Translation Studies (EN)

Sociology (EN)

Славянские филологии (RU)

ECES is an interdisciplinary programme designed specifically for international undergraduate students wanting to study in Prague at the Faculty of Arts, Charles Univeristy. The ECES programme holds classes taught in English for non-degree seeking students.

Czech Studies is a rich and sophisticated programme intended for non-Czech speakers interested in the Czech language, Czech literature, history and culture, and also for international slavists and students in related fields.

The programme is a proven and effective method of preparation for those interested in the study of Czech as a foreign language, both from an employment perspective and also for those who wish to apply for studies at BA or MA levels at Charles or another University.

Student Admissions Office
Student Affairs Office
+420 221 619 300
+420 221 619 301
+420 221 619 333

General Information

Master’s Degree

  • MA programmes are focused on a more theoretical level of the subject, on research and development, and the student’s ability to apply this knowledge in practice.
  • Standard length: 2–3 years
    Maximum allowed: 5 years
  • Graduates who meet all requirements defined in the study plan – a total of 120 credits (or 180 in the case of a three-year course) – and pass the final master’s degree exam, including the defence of a diploma thesis, are awarded the academic title “Master” (abbreviated to Mgr. and used in front of the name).


  • PhD programmes are focused on research and independent creative activity in the respective field. The main aim of PhD programmes is a substantial doctoral dissertation which must be recommended by the student’s supervisor and two examiners/reviewers and defended in public before an examination board.
  • Standard length: 4 years, in some cases 3 years
    Maximum allowed: 8 years
  • On fulfillment of all obligations prescribed by the individual study plan, the candidates have to pass a final oral examination and defend a dissertation, demonstrating their competence and readiness to engage in independent research activities. The dissertation has to contain original and unpublished results research. Graduates are awarded the academic title “Doctor” (abbreviated to PhD and used after the name).

Forms of Study


  • All programmes in other language than Czech are subject to tuition.
  • MA Programmes
    CZK 140,000
    per academic year
  • PhD Programmes
    CZK 1,000–25,000
    per academic year

Application Fee

Amount to be paid: CZK 1,200
Account number: 000000-0085631011
Bank code: 0100
Specific symbol: (application ID)
Variable symbol: 820001
IBAN: CZ9601000000000085631011

  • To prevent issues connected with transfers and fees, pay the application directly by card in the Student Information System. We strongly recommend you to choose this method of payment. When paying by card, it is impossible to input wrong payment details and it immediately pairs with your application in the payment gateway, i.e., you will be at once notified that your application is paid for.
  • If you pay from an account in different than Czech currency, first of all, please, check your bank’s transfer fee and then add this fee to the total amount of the payment so that the resulting sum corresponds precisely with the application fee.
  • When you pay by bank transfer, we also recommend you to generate a confirmation of the transfer in your internet banking and send it along with your application number by email at so that we can find your payment in our electronic accounting system.
  • The processing and assigning of the bank transfer may take several days. After approximately a week, we recommend you check if the payment was received and paired with your application.

PhD Application Process

Applications for study at CU FA can be submitted only electronically via the Student Information System (SIS).

You will be asked to log in before submitting your application:

If you are a current student of Charles University, please use your assigned student username to log in. Equivalent to this username is your personal number that can be found on your Student Identification Card under your photograph. Should you experience any issues with your password, please visit the CAS website, where you can request a new password and get more information about Central Authentication Service (CAS).

If you are a new applicant who has not previously studied at CU and have never submitted an application for study in the past (regardless of success), you will be asked to register prior to submitting your application. In order to do so, you will be asked to provide a registration email address to which an email will be sent containing a link to a page where you will be able to set up your new password. You will need to use this email address and password in the course of the whole application process, as only under these credentials all of your current applications will be displayed.

However, these credentials cannot be used for logging into other modules of the Student Information System (SIS).
Whenever you log in again after having submitted your application, you will see a list of all applications you have submitted under your name displayed in the upper right-hand corner, in the “My applications” section. If you use a different email address than the one provided during registration, only the “New applicant” option will be displayed in the upper right-hand corner and the “My applications” button will not be available.

Please do not create a new application under a different e-mail address, as this complicates the identification not only for the system but also for the employees of the Student Admissions Office. If you are unable to log in to your existing account again, please contact us at, and we will be happy to help you renew your login process.

To successfully apply for the PhD at CU FA, all applicants must submit the following documents in English or the language in which the programme is accredited:

  • PhD dissertation proposal
    In the length of 3 to 5 typed pages (unless specified otherwise by the entrance examination requirements for the respective programme or field of study) including the name of the academic who consulted the proposal with the applicant.
  • Applicants must state their full name, the name of the programme, and the title of their dissertation proposal in the heading of the first page of each attachment.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Bibliography
    List of relevant literature to the field of study.
  • Overview of academic achievements List of publications, research, employment, etc.
  • Transcript of Records
    Applicants applying to any of the programmes or fields of study accredited in languages other than Czech must submit their transcript of records in addition to other listed attachments. Transcripts of records may be submitted in Czech, Slovak, English, or in the language in which the programme or field of study is accredited.
  • A proof of language competence
    The list of language certificates recognised by the University. The proof must be a certified copy of a document demonstrating language competence in the language of the accredited study programme.
  • Secondary school-leaving examination with a curriculum realised in the relevant language,
  • proof of completion of any university degree programme accredited in the relevant language;
  • proof of successful completion of any certified examination in the relevant language at B2 level or higher according to the list in the appendix to these Conditions, whereby no certified examinations other than those listed above will be taken into account;
  • proof of completion of a language examination in the relevant foreign language at B2 level or higher, completed as part of any university course; 
  • for graduates of CU FA or other faculties of Charles University: a relevant document generated from the information system may be submitted instead of a certified copy.

Applicants are obliged to fill in the application with a potential doctoral dissertation advisor, or consultant, with whom they have consulted their dissertation proposal.

This choice is preliminary, the admissions committee may, after consultation with the candidate, nominate another advisor.
List of advisors is available in the electronic application in the section “Information concerning doctoral study”.