Calendar: Seminar

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Our HiStories – International Evening for History Students

Do you study history? Or are you just interested in the related topics? Would you like to meet students from different countries and share your views on the past? Then you should definitely join the international evening for history students brought to you by the Students of History Association of the Faculty of Arts, also […]

60th Summer School of Slavonic Studies

Summer school of Czech language, literature, history, and culture, designed for applicants from abroad.

Spirituality for Secularised Society

PROGRAMME Wednesday 11 May 2016 16.30 opening 17.00 Introduction (Laurence Freeman OSB) Prof. Ivana Noble: Spirituality and Loneliness in the Post-Secular Societies Laurence Freeman OSB: Mystery in the Technological Age discussion panel 19.45 expected end of the programme THURSDAY 12 May 2016 16.30 opening 17.00 Introduction (Laurence Freeman OSB) Prof. Charles Taylor: Shapes of Spirituality Today […]

Richard Pine: Identity after History

The Centre for Irish Studies of the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures invites you to a seminar by Richard Pine (author of “The Disappointed Bridge: Ireland and the Post-Colonial World”, 2014): Identity after History. This seminar will discuss the theme: “WHAT HAPPENS TO AN EMERGING COUNTRY AFTER IT HAS EMERGED?” (Brian Friel) and will examine […]

Art of Sa’di Širāzi: Student Seminar on His Commemoration Day

Sa’di Širāzi / Saadi Shirazi (1210- 1292) the great classical Persian Poet and prose writer, who travelled widely for 30 years around the medieval Islamic world, esp. Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Arabian Peninsula, India etc. Sa’di is the author of classic Persian Ghazals (Lyric Forms), Bustān and the Golestān (translated in many languages also into Czech). […]

Dr. Anastasiya Astapova: Belarussian Political Folklore and Nationalism Within the European Context

Eight-day lecture series complemented by presentations will acquaint the participants with selected topics in Belarussian unofficial culture with special focus on anecdotes, political folklore, and other informal manifestations of political resistance. The course shall be held in English and is open to BA and MA students. The lectures shall take place from 11 April 2016 […]

Séminaire historique franco-tchèque: Ségolène PLYER (Université de Strasbourg)

1. La question des droits politiques des femmes au XIXe siècle (Royaume-Uni, France) 2. Commentaire de la « Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne », Olympe de Gouges (1791)