The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Estelle Ottenwelter from ARUP AV ČR that will be held on 9 April 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.
Calendar: Lecture
Current events
Andrea Schatz: Warriors or Merchants? The Exile of the Ten Tribes in Early Modern Global Contexts
The Department of Middle Eastern Studies and the Prague Centre of Jewish Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University are hosting a lecture by Dr. Andrea Schatz entitled “Warriors or Merchants? The Exile of the Ten Tribes in Early Modern Global Contexts“. Dr. Andrea Schatz is a Reader in Jewish Studies at King’s College London. She is particularly […]
Past events
Bronze Age Contacts between Greece and the Eastern Adriatic
Aegean connections with northern lands have been a subject of intense interest over the past few decades and were explored by a number of scholars, such as Jan Bouzek, Anthony Harding, or Joseph Maran. However, the eastern Adriatic and its hinterland have often been omitted in this context. This area has so far produced meager evidence for […]
Edward Said/Mahmoud Darwish: Contrapuntal Implications
The Department of Near Eastern and African Studies is happy to invite you to a lecture entitled “EDWARD SAID/MAHMOUD DARWISH: CONTRAPUNTAL IMPLICATIONS” by renowned Syrican literary critic Subhí al-Hadídí. Abstract: Both friends for decades, and fellow Palestinian exiles, Edward W. Said and Mahmoud Darwish had many points of agreement, but also a few disagreements. Far from being discrepancies […]
Lecture by Martin Henzelmann on Morphology of Contemporary Russian (lecture in Russian language)
Морфология является важной темой в области исследования славянских языков. Поэтому, в настоящем докладе рассматриваются разные аспекты в науке о форме слов и грамматических единицах. Будут также представлены разные разделы в рамках морфологии и показано их конкретное отражение в структуре современного русского языка.
A l’invitation des Instituts français de République tchèque, d’Autriche, de Hongrie et de la Faculté des Lettres de Prague, Monsieur Patrick Weil prononcera la conférence inaugurale du Fonds d’Alembert 2016 consacrée aux « Frontières, migrations et identités en Europe aujourd’hui ». Patrick Weil est Directeur de recherche au CNRS au Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle de […]
Symposio: Vida y obra de Juan Bosch en el contexto de la historia de la República Dominicana
Programa del Simposio Internacional Vida y obra de Juan Bosch en el contexto de la historia de la República Dominicana Centro de Estudios Ibero-Americanos Universidad Carolina Praga 11diciembre de 2015 Palacio Špork, sala 206 Praga 1, Hybernská 3 9:00 Inauguración: prof. Dr. Martin Kovář, Vicerector de la Universidad y Ramón Carreño, Consul General de la […]
John D’Amicantonio: The censorship or banned books (Information Resource Officer, US embassy, Vienna)
John D’Amicantonio, Information Resource Officer for Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, has served in U.S. embassies in Baghdad, Abu Dhabi and Brasilia. Before joining the State Department in 2004 John was an academic librarian at California State University, Long Beach for 16 years. Prior to obtaining his M.S.L.S. in 1988 John […]
Alan Partington – Lectures in Prague
We are pleased to announce that Alan Partington of the Università di Bologna has accepted the invitation of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus (Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague) and will be presenting two lectures on Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies, on Tuesday December 1st at 1 PM at the ICNC, and on Wednesday December 2nd at 5:30 PM at the Faculty of Arts. Due […]