Calendar: Lecture

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Tilman Meyer (Universität Konstanz): Subjektkultur des Frühhumanismus: Der Briefwechsel zwischen Petrarca und Johannes von Neumarkt

Professor Françoise Letoublon (Université Grenoble): Living in Iron, Dressed in Bronze: Metal Formulas in Homer and the Chronology of the Ages

How Do We Call the Urban Change? The Case of Central and Eastern Europe

Lecture by Professor Lydie Coudroy de Lille organised by CEFRES as part of the Visegrad forum at the UN conference European Habitat. Reservation necessary

Yugoslavia’s “Other” Civil War, 1914-1918

Department of General History, Seminar of General and Comparative History cordially invites to the lecture: Yugoslavia’s ‘Other’ Civil War, 1914-1918, by John Paul Newman, PhD (National University of Ireland, Maynooth).


Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Centre for Irish Studies invite you to a lecture by Professor Brian Ó Conchubhair (University of Notre Dame, USA). Prof. Ó Conchubhair is Associate Professor at the Department of Irish Language and Literature, University of Notre Dame. His monograph Fin de Siècle na Gaeilge: Darwin, An Athbheochan agus Smaointeoireacht na hEorpa (2009) presents a detailed intellectual history of the Irish […]

Salt in Ancient Europe: Recent Research

The Institute of Classical Archaeology is happy to invite you to a lecture by the prominent British archaeologist Professor Anthony Harding (currently Univerität München) about the present state of research on extraction, use, and distribution of salt and its importance in Ancient Europe.

Bronze Age Contacts between Greece and the Eastern Adriatic

Aegean connections with northern lands have been a subject of intense interest over the past few decades and were explored by a number of scholars, such as Jan Bouzek, Anthony Harding, or Joseph Maran. However, the eastern Adriatic and its hinterland have often been omitted in this context. This area has so far produced meager evidence for […]

Edward Said/Mahmoud Darwish: Contrapuntal Implications

The Department of Near Eastern and African Studies is happy to invite you to a lecture entitled “EDWARD SAID/MAHMOUD DARWISH: CONTRAPUNTAL IMPLICATIONS” by renowned Syrican literary critic Subhí al-Hadídí. Abstract: Both friends for decades, and fellow Palestinian exiles, Edward W. Said and Mahmoud Darwish had many points of agreement, but also a few disagreements. Far from being […]

Lecture by Martin Henzelmann on Morphology of Contemporary Russian (lecture in Russian language)

Морфология является важной темой в области исследования славянских языков. Поэтому, в настоящем докладе рассматриваются разные аспекты в науке о форме слов и грамматических единицах. Будут также представлены разные разделы в рамках морфологии и показано их конкретное отражение в структуре современного русского языка.


A l’invitation des Instituts français de République tchèque, d’Autriche, de Hongrie et de la Faculté des Lettres de Prague, Monsieur Patrick Weil prononcera la conférence inaugurale du Fonds d’Alembert 2016 consacrée aux « Frontières, migrations et identités en Europe aujourd’hui ». Patrick Weil est Directeur de recherche au CNRS au Centre d’histoire sociale du XXe siècle de […]