The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Estelle Ottenwelter from ARUP AV ČR that will be held on 9 April 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.
Calendar: Lecture
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Past events
Brown Lecture Series: Tara E. Nummedal & Jonathan P. Conant (Associate Professors in History)
Tara E. Nummedal: Alchemy in Code: Digitizing Atalanta fugiens This talk will explore the German physician Michael Maier’s 1618 musical alchemical emblem book, Atalanta fugiens (Atalanta fleeing). In the seventeenth century, Maier deployed all of the technologies of the early modern book to provoke a particular form of reading, inviting readers (and viewers and listeners) to activate […]
Patrick Juola: Cross-Linguistic Regularities in Authorship Attribution
Anotation: Authorship attribution is a well-studied problem in corpus and quantitative linguistics, with many applications ranging across forensic science, history, journalism, and beyond. We begin by reviewing some case studies and discuss some of the major findings common to the field as a whole, as well as the psycholinguistic basis for authorship attribution. One key methodological weakness […]
Deirdre Jackson: „The Colours of Fortune“
Capable of granting riches and honours and abruptly withdrawing her favours, the capricious figure of Fortune, inspired by the pagan goddess, was one of the most alarming constructs inherited by medieval thinkers from their Roman predecessors. From Boethius onwards, writers and artists sought to describe the paradoxical nature of Fortune, personified as a female figure whose […]
Helen Cooper: “The Living and the Dead” (the ‘three living and the three dead’, the Dance of Death, and the Towneley play of Lazarus)
The preoccupation with death in the premodern age often took the form of images, notably those of the Three Living and the Three Dead, the Dance of Death, and the cadaver tomb. This paper will look at some of the texts associated with each of those images, and also at a further text that relates to […]
Jasmina S. Ćirić (Univerzitet u Beogradu): Portals and Translation: Meaning of Portals in the Late Byzantine Architectural Setting
The paper addresses the issues of the construction, translation, and transformation through the meaning of portals and state of the believer in the church within Constantinopolitan examples, and their echoes on the Balkans. As suggested by the roots of the word transformation “to change in the form and appearance” or to carry across, there is […]
Mary Carruthers: “The Geometry of Creativity: Using Diagrams in the Middle Ages”
This lecture will explore the close relationships in medieval creative practice among geometric shapes, meditation, and the human ability to create original works. Focused on materials crafted in the twelfth century chiefly on the basis of Biblical texts, and then disseminated widely during the thirteenth century, I will investigate the fundamental cognitive insight of medieval diagram […]
Prof. Adalbert Gail (Freie Universität Berlin): Earthquakes and sacred architecture in Nepal
Earthquakes are almost regular events in the Himalaya area. Unsurprisingly they are also reflected in Hindu and Buddhist literature. Hindus enumerate earthquakes (Skt. bhūmikampa) among omina and portenta (Skt. nimitta, utpāta) that indicate prodigious incidents in general, Buddhists connect earthquakes with major events in the life of the historical Buddha as well as with Jātakas […]
Gabriella Mazzon: Method in madness? The jungle of English pragmatic and discourse markers
The investigation of the uses and functions of discourse and pragmatic markers, as well as of the processes through which they acquire (and sometimes lose) such functions over time has intensified in recent years, but this increase in the number of available studies has not solved some of the main questions connected to the nature […]
Étrangers d’ici. Migrants et migrations au cinéma
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence de l’historienne Laure Teulières. Entrée libre. Traduction simultanée assurée. Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine à l’Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, Laure Teulières est spécialiste de l’immigration italienne en France et s’intéresse au fait migratoire comme à l’histoire des représentations collectives, aux phénomènes mémoriels et à la […]