Calendar: Lecture

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Prof. Adalbert Gail (Freie Universität Berlin): Earthquakes and sacred architecture in Nepal

Earthquakes are almost regular events in the Himalaya area. Unsurprisingly they are also reflected in Hindu and Buddhist literature. Hindus enumerate earthquakes (Skt. bhūmikampa) among omina and portenta (Skt. nimitta, utpāta) that indicate prodigious incidents in general, Buddhists connect earthquakes with major events in the life of the historical Buddha as well as with Jātakas […]

Prof. Simcha Emanuel: Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg (ca. 1215–1293) – Life and Death in Prison

Lecture by prof. Simcha Emanuel (Hebrew University in Jerusalem), leading world expert on medieval Ashkenazi rabbinic literature. The lecture will be held in Hebrew.

Gabriella Mazzon: Method in madness? The jungle of English pragmatic and discourse markers

The investigation of the uses and functions of discourse and pragmatic markers, as well as of the processes through which they acquire (and sometimes lose) such functions over time has intensified in recent years, but this increase in the number of available studies has not solved some of the main questions connected to the nature […]

Étrangers d’ici. Migrants et migrations au cinéma

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence de l’historienne Laure Teulières. Entrée libre. Traduction simultanée assurée. Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine à l’Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, Laure Teulières est spécialiste de l’immigration italienne en France et s’intéresse au fait migratoire comme à l’histoire des représentations collectives, aux phénomènes mémoriels et à la […]

Prof. Ekaterina V. Rakhilina (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow): Lexical typology – verbs of falling across languages

Institute of Czech Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Ekaterina V. Rakhilina, Professor of Faculty of Humanities at National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Ekaterina V. Rakhilina is a linguist with a focus on the lexicography of nouns, semantic models, general semantics, lexical typology, construction Grammar. She […]

Gabriella Mazzon: “Affectivity in late-medieval texts and images”

Affectivity was a recurrent element in public communication in the Middle Ages, an era in which an emotion-based rhetoric was more important than other strategies to influence and instruct the population. Verbal and visual elements were often employed in synergy, to impress the public and to help the memory. These new communication types are particularly typical […]

Guy Middleton (University of Newcastle upon Tyne): Collapse in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean

In this final lecture, we look at a specific instance of collapse known from the archaeological record – that of the palatial Late Bronze Age of Greece and the Aegean. The competing theories will be introduced and recent responses examined, including the proposal that climate change caused collapse. One focus will be on how the period […]

Holly Case (Brown University): The Age of Questions

The nineteenth century saw the explosion of questions: the Eastern, social, Jewish, Polish, worker and many other questions were hotly discussed in representative bodies, at treaty negotiations, and above all in the daily press. What brought about the “age of questions,” and what was its trajectory into the twentieth century? How did the “Jewish question” […]

Gabriella Mazzon (Universität Innsbruck): Language choices as ideological statements in medieval and Early Modern Britain

The Department of English Language and ELT Methodology is happy to invite you to a lecture by Gabriella Mazzon: “Language choices as ideological statements in medieval and Early Modern Britain”. Abstract: Written records of medieval Britain show a form of “textual trilingualism” that can be investigated from a socio-historical linguistic point of view to establish what determined language […]

Prof. Ekaterina V. Rakhilina (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow): Russian Learner Corpus (RLC)

Institute of Czech Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Ekaterina V. Rakhilina, Professor of Faculty of Humanities at National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Ekaterina V. Rakhilina is a linguist with a focus on the lexicography of nouns, semantic models, general semantics, lexical typology, construction Grammar. She […]