Calendar: Lecture

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Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Villain

The Growth of the Biography of Dismas and Gesmas in Medieval Sources German medievist and germanist Wilhelm Heizmann (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München) will speak about the constitution of lives of the two prototypic villains of the European Middle Ages: Dismas and Gesmas, the two thieves on the Cross. poster The series is organized by the Department of Scandinavian […]

Prof. Timo Müller: Transnational Mobility on the American Road

Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Professor Timo Müller (University of Regensburg) “TRANSNATIONAL MOBILITY ON THE AMERICAN ROAD”. Timo Müller is Professor and interim Chair of American Studies at the University of Regensburg, Germany. His research areas include modernism, environmental studies, and […]

Adolfo León Atehortúa Cruz (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá): Actualidad del narcotráfico en América Latina: Entre carteles y redes

Adolfo León Atehortúa Cruz (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá): Prehistoria del narcotráfico: Made in USA

Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Saint

Holy Lives. How you Make a Saint? Famous Austrian medievist Rudolf Simek (*1954) from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn will speak about the constitution of the lives of the medieval saints. poster The series is organized by the Department of Scandinavian Studies and the Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in […]

Dr Sonja Lawrenson: Popular Fiction in Romantic Ireland

The Centre for Irish Studies, Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures, invite you to a lecture on POPULAR FICTION IN ROMANTIC IRELAND by Dr Sonja Lawrenson (Manchester Metropolitan University). Sonja Lawrenson is a lecturer in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her research centres on women’s writing from the late seventeenth to the early nineteenth […]

Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: A Founder of a Holy Dynasty

Through the Secular and Saintly Eyes of his Sons: A Comparative Consideration of Two Biographies of Stefan Nemanja, the Founder of the Serbian Medieval State Serbian scholar Slavica Rankovic will compare two lives of Stefan Nemanja, the Grand Prince of Serbia and challenger of Byzantine Emperors, written by two of his sons: Stefan the First-crowned, the […]

Bruno Blau – ein deutsch-jüdischer Statistiker im Exil in Prag (1937-1939)

Der Vortrag stellt den deutsch-jüdischen Statistiker und Bevölkerungswissenschaftler Bruno Blau (1881-1954) vor. Blau gehörte im Berlin der Zeit vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und der Zwischenkriegszeit zu den Pionieren einer statistischen Wissenschaft des Judentums und war lange Jahre Herausgeber der „Zeitschrift für Demographie und Statistik des Judentums“. Von den Nationalsozialisten verfolgt, floh Blau 1936 zunächst über […]

Karin Aijmer (University of Gothenburg): “That’s Well Cool”- Recent Changes in the Use of Intensifiers in the Spoken BNC2014

Life and Biography in the Middle Ages: An Adventurer

Polish Comes Piotr Wlostowic – Grand Lord from Silesia, Famous Adventurer and Lover, Statesman Ending his Career Punished with Blinding, Benefactor of the Church – and his Legend in Medieval and Post-Medieval Sources Including Lost Carmen Mauri Polish scholar Leszek Słupecki (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski) will speak about the spectacular and adventurous life of Polish knight Piotr […]