Calendar: Lecture

Current events

Current Issues of Archaeology | E. Ottenwelter (ARUP AV ČR): Technical Study of Elite Medieval Jewellery from Bohemia and Moravia

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Estelle Ottenwelter from ARUP AV ČR that will be held on 9 April 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.

Current Issues in Archaeology | D. Heilmann (LMU München): Shifting Identities. A Diachronic Analysis of Funerary Practices in Macedonia during the 1st Millennium BC

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Daniela Heilmann z LMU München that will be held on 2 April 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.

Current Issues in Archaeology | A. Sotgia (University of Groningen): The Agro-Pastoral Exploitation of Pre-Etruscan Southern Etruria

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Agostino Sotgia z University of Groningen that will be held on 5 March 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.

Past events

Iris Vidmar Jovanović: Dangers of Art. Plato’s Call to Censorship in Contemporary Aesthetics

Iris Vidmar Jovanovič (Rijeka University), researcher specialized in literary philosophy and Kant’s aesthetics, secretary of the European Society for Aesthetics. She will give a lecture as part of the lecture series Contemporary European Aesthetics organized by the Department of Aesthetics at CU FA in cooperation with the Czech Society for Aesthetics (Czech Academy of Sciences). The lecture series […]

Mothering and Politics in Art

The online lecture From Elite Reversal Agents to Red Lighting Bolts: Mothering and Politics in Art by Zuzana Štefková sets to explore the terrain at the intersection of art, situated mothering, and activism. Based on examples of contemporary art dealing with various aspects of mothering and the refusal of reproduction, the presentation examines artistic critical […]

Hanne Appelqvist: Art’s Part in Wittgenstein’s Philosophy (Contemporary European Aesthetics)

Hanne Appelqvist (University of Helsinki) is a docent of theoretical philosophy and editor in chief of the journal Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics. She will give a lecture as part of the lecture series Contemporary European Aesthetics organized by the Department of Aesthetics at CU FA in cooperation with the Czech Society for Aesthetics (Czech Academy of Sciences). […]

Lecture: Predictive Processing of Language in Children

We would like to invite you to the next installment in the Department of Linguistics‘s series Lingvistická kolokvia (Linguistic Colloquium) which will take place on Tuesday, April 27 at 5.40 pm. Filip Smolík will give a talk entitled Predictive processing of language in children. The talk will take place on-line on Zoom. You are welcome to join us. […]

Darach Ó Scolaí: “Ón Nua-Litríocht Siar agus Aniar Arís”: From Contemporary to Ancient Literature and Back Again

Darach Ó Scolaí is an Irish novelist, playwright, publisher, and artist living in the County Galway Gaeltacht of Connemara. He was awarded the Oireachtas Prize for Literature in 2007 for his novel, An Cléireach. The lecture is organised by the Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, Prague in cooperation with EFACIS. Poster

10th Annual German Studies Conference PRAGESTT

The 10th annual German studies conference PRAGESTT is an international conference intended for German scholars and students. It offers an open panel for scientific exchange among young German scholars, primarily for exchanging the results of their Bachelor, Master, and Dissertation thesis and other scientific projects. The conference’s subjects rest upon synchronic and diachronic German linguistics, […]

Christopher Gerry: The Buck Stops Elsewhere: The Politics of Responsibility for Covid-19 in Russia

The Buck Stops Elsewhere: The Politics of Responsibility for Covid-19 in Russia Christopher Gerry University of Oxford Abstract Covid-19 has raised enormous challenges for governments across the world, not only to manage the health dimension of the pandemic but also its political consequences. Effective government responses may improve their political ratings but ineffective ones may […]

Language Policies in Post-Conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Interplay of Official and Unofficial

The Department of Linguistics invites you to the next instalment of their lecture series. Jelena Božović will give a talk on Tuesday, December 15, at 5:40 pm. The title of the talk is Language policies in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina: The interplay of official and unofficial. The event will take place on-line using Zoom. If you are interested, […]

Conference of the Young Slavists XV: Russia and Slavic World: A Century of Coexistance and Conflicts

The 15th year of a traditional international two-day Conference of the Young Slavists intended for the graduates from the BA and MA studies, PhD students, and researchers under 35. The event aims to provide a platform for gathering of young experts, create a space for presenting the results of their researches and forum for a confrontation of various research […]

III. Ukrainian Studies in Prague Conference

Anthony Smith famously claimed that historical traumas and memories of collective suffering constitute a nation out of a heterogeneous population. This recipe of nation-building was propped up in the late 20th century by “the rise of the victimhood culture” (Campbell & Manning 2018). Inspired by the anti-colonial discourses and the symbolic capital gained by all sorts of oppressed […]