Calendar: Lecture

Current events

Prof. Donald L. Horowitz: Federalism, Regional Autonomy, and Ethnic Conflict: Problems in Politics and Law

Prof. Donald L. Horowitz is the James B. Duke Professor of Law and Political Science Emeritus at Duke University (USA). He is a leading expert on constitutional design, particularly—but not exclusively—in divided societies. He has consulted widely on institutions and policies that might be adopted to promote democracy and reduce ethnic strife in such areas as […]

Current Issues of Archaeology | E. Ottenwelter (ARUP AV ČR): Technical Study of Elite Medieval Jewellery from Bohemia and Moravia

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Estelle Ottenwelter from ARUP AV ČR that will be held on 9 April 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.

Current Issues in Archaeology | D. Heilmann (LMU München): Shifting Identities. A Diachronic Analysis of Funerary Practices in Macedonia during the 1st Millennium BC

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Daniela Heilmann z LMU München that will be held on 2 April 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.

Translation Mining and Semantic Maps: A New Approach to Cross-Linguistic Research

The lecture “Translation Mining and Semantic Maps: A New Approach to Cross-Linguistic Research” will be held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, in room P104 on 2 April 2025 from 2:10 pm. Hands-on workshops will take place on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th (9:00 am – 12:00 noon), in room P104. The translation mining method […]

Past events

Current Issues in Archaeology | A. Sotgia (University of Groningen): The Agro-Pastoral Exploitation of Pre-Etruscan Southern Etruria

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Agostino Sotgia z University of Groningen that will be held on 5 March 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.

Current Issues in Archaeology | A. Scarci a H. Baitinger (LEIZA Mainz): Fragments of Devotion? Exploring the Practice of Breaking Votive Offerings in Early Iron Age Olympia

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Azzurra Scarci and Holger Baitinger from LEIZA Mainz that will be held on 26 February 2025 at 4:00 pm in Kampus Hybernská in lecture room A.3.

Andrea Schatz: Warriors or Merchants? The Exile of the Ten Tribes in Early Modern Global Contexts

The Department of Middle Eastern Studies and the Prague Centre of Jewish Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University are hosting a lecture by Dr. Andrea Schatz entitled “Warriors or Merchants? The Exile of the Ten Tribes in Early Modern Global Contexts“. Dr. Andrea Schatz is a Reader in Jewish Studies at King’s College London. She is particularly […]

Wojciech Ejsmond: The Overlooked Nubian Women of the First Intermediate Period

Various ethnic groups lived under the pharaoh’s sceptre, with Nubians being among the most well-documented. They played a prominent role in Egyptian history during certain periods, yet Nubian women of the First Intermediate Period remain significantly understudied. The lecture is part of the online lecture series IPOCCWWA, organized by Dr Susan Anne Kelly, Marie Curie Postdoc […]

Daniela Heilmann | Shifting Identities: A Diachronic Analysis of Funerary Practices in Macedonia during the 1st Millennium BCE

Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Daniela Heilmann (Munich) as part of the “Current Issues in Archaeology” lecture series. This lecture investigates shifts in social structures in the Southern Balkans during the Bronze and Iron Ages through an analysis of grave furnishings, including attire, jewelry, and other burial goods such as […]

Daniela Heilmann | Shifting Identities: A Diachronic Analysis of Funerary Practices in Macedonia during the 1st Millennium BCE

The Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA cordially invites you to a lecture by Daniel Heilmann (München), part of the lecture series Current Issues in Archaeology. This lecture investigates shifts in social structures in the Southern Balkans during the Bronze and Iron Ages through an analysis of grave furnishings, including attire, jewelry, and other burial goods such […]

Lauren Morris | Opening a New Door: Fresh View into Rural Economic Developments in Antique Northern Bactria through Fieldwork at Kulal Tep, Uzbekistan

Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Lauren Morris (Prague, Czech Republic) as part of the “Current Issues in Archaeology” lecture series. In the Central Asian region of northern Bactria, the Kushan period (1st–3rd centuries CE) has long been understood to witness a peak in the territory’s development, reflecting the hand of a powerful state. […]

Michael Lebsak | Metal of Power: The Political Economy of Iron in the Central European Younger Early Middle Ages

Institute of Classical Archaeology at CU FA invites you to a lecture by Michael Lebsak (Brno, Czech Republic) as part of the “Current Issues in Archaeology” lecture series. In the younger Early Middle Ages (700–1000 AD), essential resources such as iron were a pivotal element within political-economic relations, shaping resource access, consumption, and distribution in a top-down perspective. This period witnessed […]

Julian Rentzsch: Runic Inscriptions in Eurasia

The Department of Middle Eastern Studies at CU FA cordially invites all interested to a lecture by Dr Julian Rentzsch from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Annotation Across Eurasia, numerous inscriptions in runic writing systems can be found, including commemorative stelae from the Second Turkic Empire in the Orkhon Valley in present-day Mongolia, but also inscriptions from other […]

Julian Rentzsch: A General Survey on the Turkic Languages

The Department of Middle Eastern Studies at CU FA cordially invites all interested to a lecture by Dr Julian Rentzsch from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Annotation The Turkic languages are a group of about 40 genealogically related languages spoken in a vast territory extending from Eastern Europe throughout Western and Central Asia to Northeast Siberia by roughly 200 million […]