The conference is organized by the Institute of Czech History at CU FA alongside the project Negotiating the Revolt in Czech and Slovak Postsocialist Transition, supported by the Czech Science Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Archive of Czech and Slovak Subcultures, the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture and the Punk Scholars Network […]
Calendar: Conference
Current events
Die PRAGESTT (Prager Germanistische Studierendentagung), gegr. am Institut für germanische Studien der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität zu Prag, stellt eine internationale germanistische Studierendenkonferenz dar. Sie bietet eine offene Plattform für wissenschaftlichen Austausch junger Germanistinnen und Germanisten, die insb. die Ergebnisse ihrer Bachelor-, Master- und Dissertationsarbeiten sowie anderer wissenschaftlichen Projekte präsentieren. Die Konferenz wird in der […]
Past events
Resilience for European Cultural Heritage
We cordially invite you to an international workshop organized by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, as part of the H2020 REACH project. Twelve researchers representig the historical, anthropological, art studies, and architectural view on the isssue will discuss the processes that strengthen the resilience of cultural heritage. Programme
Script and Reconstruction in Linguistic History
Colloquium organized by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University: Institute of Comparative Linguistics and Czech Institute of Egyptology on March 3, 2020 in Celetná 20, Praha 1, room no. 235 Invited lecture: 9:30 – 10:30 Ronald I. Kim and Marwan Kilani Stress and syncope in Carian: evidence from the Egyptian bilinguals 10:30 – 11:00 Martin Kümmel “Prothetic […]
Perspectives of Classical Archaeology 2019: Visual Culture in the Classical World
PeCla 2019 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics organised by the Institute of Classical Archaeology and aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students. It traditionally offers a space for presenting research results, discussion, and an exchange of ideas in a friendly and supportive environment. This year’s theme of the conference is: „Visual Culture in the Classical […]
Interdisciplinary Conference: Performativity and Creativity in Modern Cultures
The interdisciplinary conference “Performativity and Creativity in Modern Cultures” will be held at the Faculty of Arts on 22 – 24 November 2019. Keynote speakers: Professor Tracy C. Davis, Northwestern University Professor Andreas Mahler, Freie Universitaet Berlin For more information, see the conference website.
Machiavelli and Contemporary Politics
4th Biennial Ideas in Politics Conference Machiavelli’s thought not only had a huge influence on the development of modern political philosophy, but his ideas continue to inspire – and divide – political theorists even today. The recent history of Machiavellian scholarship could be described in this way: Interpretation of Machiavelli as a teacher of evil (e.g. Strauss […]
International Conference “The Frustrated Peace?: The Versailles Treaty and its Political, Social and Economic Impact on Europe”
The conference is held under the auspices of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the President of the Czech Academy of Science. When the last shots of the just finished war fell silent in November 1918, it began to be clear that despite the shock of immeasurable economic and human suffering, […]
Coloquio internacional: América Latina en la fronteradelasgrandes épocas
El coloquio América Latina en la fronterade las grandes épocasse organiza en el marco del proyecto “Creatividad y adaptabilidad como condiciones del éxito de Europa en un mundo interrelacionado” (KREAS). Este proyecto se concentra en el análisis de las formas de autoconciencia y autopoiesis, aludiendo – entre otros – al pensamiento filosófico de Hegel, al […]
L2 Translation: Getting Out of the Grey Zone
Despite being a common practice in most parts of the world, L2 translation (also referred to as non-native translation or inverse translation) remains a relatively under-explored area. Existing research suggests that L2 translation, and directionality in general, is a complex issue, with key factors including the text type, the client’s expectations and, perhaps most importantly, the translator’s individual […]
IRELAND IN EUROPE: 5th International Postgraduate Conference in Irish Studies
CFP for IRELAND IN EUROPE The 5th International Postgraduate Conference in Irish Studies, Prague 13–14 September 2019 Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University Website: Contact e-mail: Paper proposals representing postgraduate projects in the area of Irish Studies are invited for an international conference that follows the success of “The Politics of Irish Writing” […]
EAIS 8th Annual Conference on Israel Studies 2019 – Democracy in Challenging Times: Israel, Europe and the World
The European Association of Israel Studies is proud to confirm that our 8th Annual Conference will be taking place at Charles University, Prague from 8-10 September 2019. The conference will be held in English. 8 September 2019 16.00 – 16.30, Official opening of the conference (Magna Aula, Faculty of Law, Charles University) Welcome of Prof. Lenka […]