Calendar: Conference

Current events

Negotiating the Revolt: Punk in Times of Political Transformation

The conference is organized by the Institute of Czech History at CU FA alongside the project Negotiating the Revolt in Czech and Slovak Postsocialist Transition, supported by the Czech Science Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Archive of Czech and Slovak Subcultures, the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture and the Punk Scholars Network […]


Die PRAGESTT (Prager Germanistische Studierendentagung), gegr. am Institut für germanische Studien der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität zu Prag, stellt eine internationale germanistische Studierendenkonferenz dar. Sie bietet eine offene Plattform für wissenschaftlichen Austausch junger Germanistinnen und Germanisten, die insb. die Ergebnisse ihrer Bachelor-, Master- und Dissertationsarbeiten sowie anderer wissenschaftlichen Projekte präsentieren. Die Konferenz wird in der […]

Past events

Political Discourse in Poland and the Czech Republic after 1989: Genres, Communication Strategy, Media Portrayals

International conference “Political Discourse in Poland and the Czech Republic after 1989: Genres, Communication Strategy, Media Portrayals” pursues the discussion of a topic related to the political communication in Poland and the Czech Republic, to define differences and analogies in the pre-election practices of political and media circles of both countries as well as to draw […]

Jemina Napier: Examining the Multimodal Research Trend in Dialogue Interpreting Research

The Institute of Translation Studies cordially invites you to an online lecture by Prof Jemina Napier (Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh) as a part of the course Theory of Interpreting on a Particularly Topical Subject (see the abstract and additional information on the research activities of this eminent academic who should have lectured in Prague as a visiting professor […]

Reproductive Rights in Poland – Historical Aspects and Current Struggles

On October 22, 2020, the Constitutional Tribunal, Poland’s Supreme Court, has ruled that abortions in cases of foetal defects are unconstitutional. This decision has resulted in wide protests that are currently taking place throughout the country. We would like to react to the current situation by inviting you to the lecture Reproductive Rights in Poland […]

Mainstream! Popular Culture in Central and Eastern Europe

A Conference by the Centre for Study of Popular Culture co-organized by the Institue of World History and the Institute of Economic and Social History at CU FA.   Mainstream_programme_CSPK_2020

European Day of Languages by the Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies at CU FA

The Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies at CU FA celebrates the European Day of Languages. Join our foreign lecturers, learn interesting things and become fluent! Follow the web page of the the department for possible changes of the schedule.

3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.3)

Meeting Description: This conference is conceived of as an accessible new forum for cutting-edge sociolinguistic research. It is open to a broad range of sociolinguistics researchers, including those working outside the Anglo-Western sociolinguistic tradition, who address the varying and rapidly changing modes of linguistic interactions in the highly diverse world of today. Following two realizations in […]

Rescheduled (23-27 June 2021): 3rd World Congress of Scottish Literatures

In relation to the closing of schools and the prohibition of personal attendance of students and attendees at lectures and courses of all types, this event is rescheduled to 23-27 June 2021. You may find the details on the current situation on Continually Updated Information on the Current Situation of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Thank you for […]

IX Colóquio da Sociedade Tcheca de Língua Portuguesa (Exodus: reflexos da migração na língua, literatura e culturas lusófonas)

Exodus: reflexos da migração na língua, literatura e culturas lusófonas A migração é um dos fenômenos atuais mais pungentes: segundo o Banco Mundial, há mais de 258 milhões de migrantes no mundo de hoje. No entanto, movimentos populacionais fazem parte da vida do homem desde seu surgimento na África. Todas as grandes civilizações foram construídas com […]

Rescheduled: Conference of the Young Slavists 2020: “Russia and the Slavic World: Centuries of Coexistence and Clashes”

In relation to the closing of schools and the prohibition of personal attendance of students and attendees at lectures and courses of all types, this event is rescheduled (more information later) You may find the details on the current situation on Continually Updated Information on the Current Situation of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Thank you for your […]

KREAS Workshop: Minority Languages in a Globalized World

About: The purpose of the workshop is to explore the contemporary relevance of ‘small’ or minority languages, especially in relation to literature and culture. While in the revival period the main rationale for keeping these languages alive was their role as a marker of national or ethnic identity, today it seems less relevant. Other important roles […]