Calendar: Conference

Current events

From Global Englishes to bot-English: Language use in the era of AI

ELF (English as lingua franca) researchers have had a successful series of thirteen international ELF conferences so far. This year, the conference named “ELF14: From Global Englishes to bot-English. Language change in the era of AI” will take place at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University on 11–14 September 2024. The title of the conference suggests […]

Past events

The Theory and Practice of Korean Language Textbooks

3nd International Conference of the Association of Korean Language Education Research


The first edition of the Night of Philosophy in Prague – June 2016, 16/17th – will offer a round-the-clock series of 20-minute lectures and larger roundtable discussions presented by 55 leading international philosophers from France and the Visegrad Group, on the topic “Images, Sciences and Politics.” The night will be held in three different languages – Czech, […]

Symposium to Commemorate the 110th Anniversary of Jaroslav Průšek (1906-1980)

The CCK Foundation International Sinological Center cordially invites you to the SYMPOSIUM TO COMMEMORATE THE 110TH ANNIVERSARY OF JAROSLAV PRŮŠEK (1906-1980) Speakers include: Leo Ou-fan Lee 李歐梵 (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Raoul David Findeisen (Univerzita Komenského Bratislava) Ji Jin 季进 (Soochow University) Chen Guangchen 陈广琛 (Harvard University) Peng Shiyu 彭诗雨 (Soochow University) Olga Lomová […]

Parasitic Relations in Academic Publishing

The conference is held under the auspices of Tomáš Zima, the rector of Charles University, and Jiří Drahoš, the president of The Czech Academy of Sciences. Places are limited, RSVP by 27. 5. 2016 here. For more information e-mail The global ecosystem of academic publishing is presently undergoing a dramatic transformation. Increasing number of scientists question its established political and epistemic economy in which […]

Bramosia dell’Ignoto: Esoterismo, occultismo e fantastico nella letteratura italiana tra fin de siècle e avanguardia

Siamo lieti di invitare la S.V. al Convegno Internazionale Bramosia dell’Ignoto: Esoterismo, occultismo e fantastico nella letteratura italiana tra fin de siècle e avanguardia (programma).

El retorno de las carabelas. Traducción cultural desde Inca Garcilaso de la Vega hasta Rubén Darío

The Department of Romance Studies hosts an international symposium on Hispanic American writers who formed a cultural bridge between the Old World and the New World: from Inca Garcilaso in the sixteenth century to Rubén Darío in the end of the nineteenth century. Renowned experts from Spain, Latin America, and USA shall take part in the […]

PRAGESTT – Prager Germanistische Studententagung

Liebe Studentinnen, liebe Studenten, die Philosophische Fakultät der Karls-Universität Prag lädt Sie zum sechsten Jahrgang der germanistischen Studentenkonferenz ein. Die Studentenkonferenz PRAGESTT bietet eine offene Plattform für wissenschaftliches Treffen junger Germanisten. Im Rahmen der Tagung werden Beiträge zur deutschsprachigen Literatur, Linguistik, Didaktik und Translatologie präsentiert.

Symposio: Vida y obra de Juan Bosch en el contexto de la historia de la República Dominicana

Programa del Simposio Internacional Vida y obra de Juan Bosch en el contexto de la historia de la República Dominicana Centro de Estudios Ibero-Americanos Universidad Carolina Praga 11diciembre de 2015 Palacio Špork, sala 206 Praga 1, Hybernská 3 9:00 Inauguración: prof. Dr. Martin Kovář, Vicerector de la Universidad y Ramón Carreño, Consul General de la […]

International Conference “Identity in the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe between Regional and (Supra-) National Model”

Programme of the International Conference “Identity in the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe between Regional and (Supra-) National Model”, held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, náměstí Jana Palacha 2 Thursday, 10th December 2015 Room No. 313, Main Building of the Faculty of Arts, Náměstí Jana Palacha 2 9:00 – 9:30 Opening of […]

Perspectives of Classical Archaeology 2015

The 4th PeClA 2015 International Postgraduate Conference (Perspectives in Classical Archaeology 2015) held at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Thursday and Friday, 10th – 11th December  2015 PeClA 2015 is a two days conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students traditionally offering a space for presenting research results, discussion, and […]