Calendar: Conference

Current events

From Global Englishes to bot-English: Language use in the era of AI

ELF (English as lingua franca) researchers have had a successful series of thirteen international ELF conferences so far. This year, the conference named “ELF14: From Global Englishes to bot-English. Language change in the era of AI” will take place at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University on 11–14 September 2024. The title of the conference suggests […]

Past events

Presentation of the Boris Nemtsov Academic Centre for the Study of Russia (CUFA)

The Department of East European Studies, CUFA, cordially invities you to the presentation of the Boris Nemtsov Academic Centre for the Study of Russia, CUFA. For more information about the programme, visit the DEES website.  

CfP: Changes, Crises and Crucial Moments. 5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain

5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 28th – 29th April 2018 Call for papers The conference, designed as a meeting space for students and beginning researchers of Medieval Britain from across the Humanities, is the fifth in a series after Prague 2012, Giessen 2013, Bonn 2014, and Prague 2016. […]

Perspectives on Classical Archaeology (PeClA) 2017

PeClA 2017 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students traditionally offering a space for presenting research results, discussion, and an exchange of ideas, in a friendly and supportive environment. This year’s theme of the conference is RESOURCES: POWER AND CONNECTIVITY IN THE ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN.

Founding Conference of the Institute for the Study of Strategic Regions

The aim of this founding conference is to gather and confront different approaches to research on broadly understood concept of a “region” and demonstrate its potential for our understanding of contemporary world in its historical, cultural and geopolitical terms. An important part of the discussion will also comprise different approaches to terminology and methodology outside the […]

La rhétorique de la vie affective : Susciter, comprendre et nommer les émotions

Premier colloque international organisé dans le cadre du Laboratoire d’excellence créatif VOICE par l’Institut d’études romanes et l’Institut de philosophie et d’études religieuses de la Faculté des lettres, en partenariat avec le CEFRES, à l’occasion de l’intégration de l’Université Charles au sein de l’Agence universitaire de la francophonie. Le colloque est placé sous le haut […]

Міжнародна конференція україністів у Празі

Program konference (ukr.) / Програма конференції: Tisková zprava / Прес-реліз (чеськ.): Doprovodný program / Супровідна програма: pátek, 24. 11. 2017: Jaremčuk, Belej: Duch doby aneb divokou Ukrajinou sobota, 25. 11. 2017: Ljubov Jakymčuk (Ukrajina) neděle, 26. 11. 2017: Zahájení fotografické výstavy “UkraJINÁ” Organizátoři: Východoevropský klub Česká asociace ukrajinistů Ústav východoevropských studií Za finanční podpory / За фінансової підтримки Embassy of […]

L’Europe centrale s’invite sur France Culture!

LA FABRIQUE DE L’HISTOIRE : L’Europe centrale, ses nostalgies historiques et l’avenir de l’Europe À l’occasion de la venue de l’équipe de l’émission La Fabrique de l’Histoire pour un cycle d’émissions consacré à l’Europe centrale et diffusé du 18 au 21 décembre 2017 sur France Culture, le CEFRES organise un atelier sur « Les utilisations […]


 Thursday 2 November  10:00 Образы Минина и Пожарского в культурно-исторической памяти России    (Ольга Лешкова) Svobodní zednáři v Ruském impériu druhé poloviny osmnáctého století jako kulturní fenomén (Anežka Hrebiková) Politická filosofie Ivana Iljina a její kontexty (Ladislav Zemánek) 11:30–12:30 Break 12:30     Slovinské vzpomínky na alexandrinky ‒ včera a dnes (Alena Klvaňová) Neprimjene, nevidljive, intrigantne? Socijalističke plastičke strukture […]

Language Contact and the Early Slavs

THE WORKSHOP The workshop addresses one of the most controversial issues in contemporary medieval studies, which is the extremely fast expansion of the Slavic language(s) across great parts of Europe in the Early Middle Ages. While traditional scenarios assume unity of language, ethnicity, and material culture, leading alternative models emphasize the active role of material […]

Acts of Justice, Public Events: World War II Criminals on Trial

This conference originates from the encounter of three projects: a Russian-French project on trials in the USSR (FMSH/RGNF), the micro-project of the Labex Création, Arts, Patrimoines ‘Images de la justice”, and the WW2 CRIMES ON TRIAL1943-1991 project supported by the French National Research Agency. The conference will highlight the specificity of the publicized trials within the […]