The conference is organized by the Institute of Czech History at CU FA alongside the project Negotiating the Revolt in Czech and Slovak Postsocialist Transition, supported by the Czech Science Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Archive of Czech and Slovak Subcultures, the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture and the Punk Scholars Network […]
Calendar: Conference
Current events
Die PRAGESTT (Prager Germanistische Studierendentagung), gegr. am Institut für germanische Studien der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität zu Prag, stellt eine internationale germanistische Studierendenkonferenz dar. Sie bietet eine offene Plattform für wissenschaftlichen Austausch junger Germanistinnen und Germanisten, die insb. die Ergebnisse ihrer Bachelor-, Master- und Dissertationsarbeiten sowie anderer wissenschaftlichen Projekte präsentieren. Die Konferenz wird in der […]
Past events
Ballads and Memory. International Conference of the Ballad Commission/Kommission für Volksdichtung
Songs are often thought of as capturing the memories of a people or community. They reflect cultural experience and, as David Buchan put it, they give expression to the “cultural preoccupations of—and sometimes the sense of identity of—a given group”. They are a record of human experience. But how is that record constructed? Whose memories are being […]
7th Annual International Conference of the European Popular Culture Association
EUPOP 2018 is the seventh annual international conference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA), to be held at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. Keynotes: Professor Petr A. Bilek (Charles University, Prague) Distant Encounters of the Third Kind: Why Is Popular Culture Not Popular within Central European University Curricula? Professor Hilary Radner (University […]
Prague German Studies Conference PRAGESTT
We invite you to the 8th annual German studies conference PRAGESTT, which is held on 23th and 24th March 2018 in the main building of the Faculty of Arts on náměstí Jana Palacha. This student conference offers an opportunity for fellow students from various European universities to present their research in the fields of German […]
Postgraduate and Post-doctorate Colloquium on Low Countries Studies
The Centre for Dutch language and Culture, Charles University, organizes the sixth postgraduate and post-doctorate colloquium on 7 – 10 March 2018 with the generous support of the Dutch Language Union, Charles University, the Flemish representation, and the Embassy of The Netherlands. Postgraduate and post-doctorate researchers will present papers on various topics Dutch language and […]
Sharp Power: Rising Authoritarian Influence
We invite you to the “Sharp Power: Rising Authoritarian Influence” conference to take place on February 26, 2018 at 3 pm in the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The discussion elaborates on the ways in which China and Russia influence the media, academic and cultural spheres, and think tanks in democratic countries, and how they shape public opinion. Do these interferences into the internal spheres of sovereign countries still fall under the category of “soft power,” the catch-all term for non-violent forms of developing and spreading […]
Género, política y religión en España e Iberoamérica: una perspectiva a largo plazo
En la primera mitad del siglo XX, el cliché sobre la mayor religiosidad de las mujeres moldeó lacampaña por el sufragio femenino en muchos países católicos. Si, por otra parte, miramos hacia la Edad moderna, los varones se consideraban dotados de una fuerza espiritual y moral mayor que la de las mujeres, lo que les […]
Presentation of the Boris Nemtsov Academic Centre for the Study of Russia (CUFA)
The Department of East European Studies, CUFA, cordially invities you to the presentation of the Boris Nemtsov Academic Centre for the Study of Russia, CUFA. For more information about the programme, visit the DEES website.
CfP: Changes, Crises and Crucial Moments. 5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain
5th conference on the Middle Ages in Britain Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 28th – 29th April 2018 Call for papers The conference, designed as a meeting space for students and beginning researchers of Medieval Britain from across the Humanities, is the fifth in a series after Prague 2012, Giessen 2013, Bonn 2014, and Prague 2016. […]