Calendar: Conference

Current events

Negotiating the Revolt: Punk in Times of Political Transformation

The conference is organized by the Institute of Czech History at CU FA alongside the project Negotiating the Revolt in Czech and Slovak Postsocialist Transition, supported by the Czech Science Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Archive of Czech and Slovak Subcultures, the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture and the Punk Scholars Network […]


Die PRAGESTT (Prager Germanistische Studierendentagung), gegr. am Institut für germanische Studien der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität zu Prag, stellt eine internationale germanistische Studierendenkonferenz dar. Sie bietet eine offene Plattform für wissenschaftlichen Austausch junger Germanistinnen und Germanisten, die insb. die Ergebnisse ihrer Bachelor-, Master- und Dissertationsarbeiten sowie anderer wissenschaftlichen Projekte präsentieren. Die Konferenz wird in der […]

Past events

Symposium: Accessing FIP Women Beyond the Family Unit

Join us for a fascinating exploration of the First Intermediate Period (FIP) of Egypt (late third millennium BCE). This symposium, part of a new Marie Skłodowska-Curie project at Charles University, delves into the lives of women and their social power in ancient Egypt during a period of dramatic social and political upheaval. The project aims to provide a comprehensive […]

Call for Papers: PRAGESTT 2025

Wir laden Euch zum 14. Jahrgang der germanistischen Studierendenkonferenz PRAGESTT herzlich ein. Dieser Jahrgang findet am 21. und 22. März 2025 an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität in Prag statt. Die Konferenz bietet eine einzigartige Plattform für den Austausch unter Germanistikstudierenden über Themen ihrer Abschlussarbeiten und anderer wissenschaftlichen Projekte. Wir ermutigen alle, ihre neuesten Arbeiten zu […]

XVIII Conference of Young Slavists – Hegemony in Slavic Area

The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, cordially invites you to the 18th annual Conference of Young Slavists, which will take place from 5 to 7 December in room P104 of the main building of the CU FA (Jan Palach Square). During this year’s Conference of Young Slavists many interesting papers will be presented, traditionally the foreign audience […]

Ideas in Politics Conference: Rethinking Representation

The conference hosted by the Department of Political Science at CU FA, the Institute of Political Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences CU, and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It will be held on 20–22 November 2024 in the main building of CU FA (nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, Prague 1). Democratic theorists […]

International symposium on Minority Languages and Language Policies in the Nordic Countries

Section of Finnish Studies and Section of Scandinavian Studies of the Department of Germanic Studies at CU FA organize international symposium Minority Languages and Language Policies in the Nordic Countries, which will be held at CU FA on 25–26 April 2024. The official language of the symposium is English, but other languages are also used during the international symposium […]

56th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy: Philosophical Encounters

The 56th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy: Philosophical Encounters will be held at the main building of CU FA on 16–18 September 2024. This long-standing international conference focuses on Chinese, Indian, and Japanese philosophy in particular and East and Southeast Asian thought in relation to continental philosophy. The keynote speakers will be […]

From Global Englishes to bot-English: Language use in the era of AI

ELF (English as lingua franca) researchers have had a successful series of thirteen international ELF conferences so far. This year, the conference named “ELF14: From Global Englishes to bot-English. Language change in the era of AI” will take place at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University on 11–14 September 2024. The title of the conference suggests that […]

Prague Summer School of Chinese Poetry 2024: Modern Transformations

The CCK International Sinological Centre at the Department of Sinology invites you to the Prague Summer School of Chinese Poetry 2024: Modern Transformations. Participation is free for students and teachers from CU FA. You may register online at the school’s website.

Two International Conferences on Logic and Its Application in Philosophy and Computer Science

The Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at CU FA will organize two international conferences on logic and its applications in philosophy and informatics on 19–23 August 2024. These are Advances in Modal Logic (AiML 2024) and Relational […]

Internationalisation as a Tool to Support the Study Success of Foreign Students

Institute for Languages and Preparatory Studies is celebrating 50 years as part of Charles University. It prepares foreign and international applicants for study (in Czech and English) in terms of language, field, and adaptation, works with students of accredited study programmes, provides language certification, and prepares teachers who teach Czech as a foreign or second language. […]