Calendar: Call for papers

Current events

Call for Papers: The Greek Diaspora in Central Europe

The second workshop on „The Greek Diaspora in Central Europe“ will take place at the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies at CU FA on 16 and 17 May 2025, in collaboration with the Czech Society for Modern Greek Studies.  The CENTRAL Network „Translating the Nation“ is a scholarly collaboration focused on investigating the presence of Hellenism in Central Europe […]

Past events

2nd International Children and Youth Perspectives Conference

The International Children and Youth Perspectives Conference is organised biennially by the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. It is an interdisciplinary space for academics, researchers, policymakers and practitioners to discuss innovative research, policy, and practice fostering child-centred (participatory) and rights-based approaches. It aims to probe the […]

11th ESREA Triennial Conference “Dialogue in and through adult education and learning”

Call for Papers for the conference organized by the Department of Adult Education and Personnel Management at CU FA in cooperation with the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults. The conference will take place on 24–27 September 2025. Call for Papers

Call for Papers | The Prism of Festivals in Theatre and Performance Studies: Open Historiographic Issues

The conference organised within the framework of the PRIN 2022 project “Theatre Festivals between Local and Global: Rethinking Theatre and Performance in Italy from the 1950s to the 1970s”, aims to provide a platform for in-depth discussion on theatre festivals, their histories, and the methodologies used for their analysis. The conference will place particular focus on […]

Call for Papers: PRAGESTT 2025

Wir laden Euch zum 14. Jahrgang der germanistischen Studierendenkonferenz PRAGESTT herzlich ein. Dieser Jahrgang findet am 21. und 22. März 2025 an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität in Prag statt. Die Konferenz bietet eine einzigartige Plattform für den Austausch unter Germanistikstudierenden über Themen ihrer Abschlussarbeiten und anderer wissenschaftlichen Projekte. Wir ermutigen alle, ihre neuesten Arbeiten zu […]

Call for Papers | Negotiating the Revolt: Punk in Times of Political Transformation

The conference is organized by the Institute of Czech History at CU FA alongside the project Negotiating the Revolt in Czech and Slovak Postsocialist Transition, which is supported by the Czech Science Foundation and carried out in collaboration with the Archive of Czech and Slovak Subcultures, the Centre for the Study of Popular Culture and the Punk […]

Neuron Expedition 2024

The Neuron Foundation announces the 12th year of the successful Neuron Expedition programme, which supports field research and builds on the glorious era of the explorers Zikmund and Hanzelka. Czech scientists and researchers from all disciplines can receive up to 1 million CZK for their field research anywhere in the world. The deadline for applications […]

Call for Papers: PRAGESTT (Prager Germanistische Studierendentagung)

Wir laden Euch zum 13. Jahrgang der germanistischen Studierendenkonferenz PRAGESTT herzlich ein. Dieser Jahrgang findet am 26. und 27. April 2024 an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität in Prag (in Präsenzform) statt. Die Konferenz bietet eine einzigartige Plattform für den Austausch unter Germanistikstudierenden über Themen ihrer Abschlussarbeiten und anderer wissenschaftlichen Projekte. Wir ermutigen alle, ihre neuesten […]

Reading Ireland in the Twenty-First Century: 6th International Postgraduate Conference

CALL FOR PAPERS Paper proposals are invited for the biannual international postgraduate conference organised by the Centre for Irish Studies at Charles University, Prague. As in previous years, we wish to offer discussion space for graduate students working in Irish Studies, including those whose background extends beyond the literary context. The title ‘Reading Ireland in […]

Call for Papers: Reading Ireland in the Twenty-First Century (6th International Postgraduate Conference)

Paper proposals are invited for the biannual international postgraduate conference organised by the Centre for Irish Studies at Charles University, Prague. As in previous years, we wish to offer discussion space for graduate students working in Irish Studies, including those whose background extends beyond the literary context. The title ‘Reading Ireland in the Twenty-first Century’ […]

Call for Abstracts: Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru III. Globální paměť

Filozofická fakulta UK a Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů vyhlašuje druhé kolo Call for Abstracts na konferenci: Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru III. Globální paměť, která proběhne v Praze 20.–21. října 2022. Abstrakty je možné posílat do 30. 4 2022. Kompletní informace o výzvě naleznete na oficiálních webových stránkách konference nebo v přiloženém dokumentu.