Workshop: “Post-Truth, Populism, Prejudice: Europe’s Values in Crisis?”

What does it mean to be a „good“ European ? The question recurs as Europe grapples with a series of simultaneous crises – refugees, multi-culturalism, uneven economic development, and bailing out neighbours at a time of low economic growth. On top of these comes the new politics of Post-Truth, of prejudice, and the rise of populism, nationalism and jingoism. Do we respond with walls OR with Willkommenskultur ? These are tests for each of us – and for our communities, regions, and nations.

Our next three-day graduate workshop, planned for late February 2017, will explore these important questions. Our keynote speaker will be Raymond Plant, Gresham College and London University, former head of St Catherine’s College Oxford, who has written on political, social and legal Philosophy, Liberalism and the Rule of Law, the foundations and scope of rights.

As with all Europaeum activities, this event will be participatory and engaging, involving talks and lectures from expert academics and professionals, as well as younger scholars, together with working groups and debates. It is designed for 25+ advanced graduates from Europaeum universities graduates.

Speakers will include (among others): Prof Lord Raymond Plant, Gresham College and London University, former head of St Catherine’s College Oxford, Prof Jan Sokol, former Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University; Monsignor Prof Tomáš Halík, leading public intellectual, philosopher, sociologist and priest; Assoc. Prof Vladimír Benáček, Economist, Charles University; Dr Jakub Jirsa, philosopher, Charles University; Dr Paul Flather, Secretary-General, The Europaeum, and Fellow, Mansfield College, Oxford, Prof Ivana Noble, Theologian, Charles University, Dr Tomáš Sedláček, Chief macro-economic strategist for the ČSOB bank and H.E. Pavel Fischer, former Czech ambassador to France.


Applications are now being accepted from doctoral or advanced graduates from the universities within the Europaeum network. All local costs will be covered (apart from travel). Applications in the form of a CV (max. 2 pages), one or two letters of recommendation, a letter of motivation, and a brief abstract of the proposed paper should go to the Europaeum Office by January and early February.

99 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 6JX UK
Tel: +44 (0)1865 284 480



Event detail

Event start
16. 2. 2017 0:00
Konec události
18. 2. 2017 0:00
Organizing Institution
Centre for the Study of Political Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion
Event type
Conference, Workshop